A Discrete-Event Network Simulator
No Matches
ns3::Time Class Reference

Simulation virtual time values and global simulation resolution. More...

#include "nstime.h"

+ Collaboration diagram for ns3::Time:


struct  Information
 How to convert between other units and the current unit. More...
struct  Resolution
 Current time unit, and conversion info. More...

Public Types

typedef void(* TracedCallback) (Time value)
 TracedCallback signature for Time.
enum  Unit {
  Y = 0 , D = 1 , H = 2 , MIN = 3 ,
  S = 4 , MS = 5 , US = 6 , NS = 7 ,
  PS = 8 , FS = 9 , LAST = 10 , AUTO = 11
 The unit to use to interpret a number representing time. More...

Public Member Functions

 Time ()
 Default constructor, with value 0.
 Time (const std::string &s)
 Construct Time object from common time expressions like "1ms".
 Time (const Time &o)
 Copy constructor.
 Time (Time &&o)
 Move constructor.
 ~Time ()
TimeWithUnit As (const Unit unit=Time::AUTO) const
 Attach a unit to a Time, to facilitate output in a specific unit.
int Compare (const Time &o) const
 Compare this to another Time.
bool IsNegative () const
 Exactly equivalent to t <= 0.
bool IsPositive () const
 Exactly equivalent to t >= 0.
bool IsStrictlyNegative () const
 Exactly equivalent to t < 0.
bool IsStrictlyPositive () const
 Exactly equivalent to t > 0.
bool IsZero () const
 Exactly equivalent to t == 0.
Timeoperator= (const Time &o)
 Assignment operator.
Time RoundTo (Unit unit) const
 Round a Time to a specific unit.
Numeric constructors

Construct from a numeric value.

 Time (double v)
 Construct from a numeric value.
 Time (int v)
 Construct from a numeric value.
 Time (long int v)
 Construct from a numeric value.
 Time (long long int v)
 Construct from a numeric value.
 Time (unsigned int v)
 Construct from a numeric value.
 Time (unsigned long int v)
 Construct from a numeric value.
 Time (unsigned long long int v)
 Construct from a numeric value.
 Time (const int64x64_t &v)
 Construct from a numeric value.
Convert to Number in a Unit

Convert a Time to number, in indicated units.

Conversions to seconds and larger will return doubles, with possible loss of precision. Conversions to units smaller than seconds will be rounded.

double GetYears () const
 Get an approximation of the time stored in this instance in the indicated unit.
double GetDays () const
 Get an approximation of the time stored in this instance in the indicated unit.
double GetHours () const
 Get an approximation of the time stored in this instance in the indicated unit.
double GetMinutes () const
 Get an approximation of the time stored in this instance in the indicated unit.
double GetSeconds () const
 Get an approximation of the time stored in this instance in the indicated unit.
int64_t GetMilliSeconds () const
 Get an approximation of the time stored in this instance in the indicated unit.
int64_t GetMicroSeconds () const
 Get an approximation of the time stored in this instance in the indicated unit.
int64_t GetNanoSeconds () const
 Get an approximation of the time stored in this instance in the indicated unit.
int64_t GetPicoSeconds () const
 Get an approximation of the time stored in this instance in the indicated unit.
int64_t GetFemtoSeconds () const
 Get an approximation of the time stored in this instance in the indicated unit.
Convert to Raw Value

Convert a Time to a number in the current resolution units.

int64_t GetTimeStep () const
 Get the raw time value, in the current resolution unit.
double GetDouble () const
 Get the raw time value, in the current resolution unit.
int64_t GetInteger () const
 Get the raw time value, in the current resolution unit.
Get Times as Numbers in Specified Units

Get the Time as integers or doubles in the indicated unit.

int64_t ToInteger (Unit unit) const
 Get the Time value expressed in a particular unit.
double ToDouble (Unit unit) const
 Get the Time value expressed in a particular unit.
int64x64_t To (Unit unit) const
 Get the Time value expressed in a particular unit.

Static Public Member Functions

static Time From (const int64x64_t &value)
 Create a Time in the current unit.
static Unit GetResolution ()
static Time Max ()
 Maximum representable Time Not to be confused with Max(Time,Time).
static Time Min ()
 Minimum representable Time Not to be confused with Min(Time,Time).
static void SetResolution (Unit resolution)
static bool StaticInit ()
 Function to force static initialization of Time.
Create Times from Values and Units

Create Times from values given in the indicated units.

static Time FromInteger (uint64_t value, Unit unit)
 Create a Time equal to value in unit unit.
static Time FromDouble (double value, Unit unit)
 Create a Time equal to value in unit unit.
static Time From (const int64x64_t &value, Unit unit)
 Create a Time equal to value in unit unit.

Private Types

typedef std::set< Time * > MarkedTimes
 Record all instances of Time, so we can rescale them when the resolution changes.

Static Private Member Functions

static void Clear (Time *const time)
 Remove a Time instance from the MarkedTimes, called by ~Time().
static void ClearMarkedTimes ()
 Remove all MarkedTimes.
static void ConvertTimes (const Unit unit)
 Convert existing Times to the new unit.
static void Mark (Time *const time)
 Record a Time instance with the MarkedTimes.
static InformationPeekInformation (Unit timeUnit)
 Get the Information record for timeUnit for the current Resolution.
static ResolutionPeekResolution ()
 Get the current Resolution.
static ResolutionSetDefaultNsResolution ()
 Set the default resolution.
static void SetResolution (Unit unit, Resolution *resolution, const bool convert=true)
 Set the current Resolution.

Private Attributes

int64_t m_data
 Virtual time value, in the current unit.

Static Private Attributes

static MarkedTimesg_markingTimes = nullptr
 Record of outstanding Time objects which will need conversion when the resolution is set.


template<class T >
std::enable_if_t< std::is_floating_point_v< T >, Timeoperator* (const Time &lhs, T rhs)
 Scale a Time by an integer value.
template<class T >
std::enable_if_t< std::is_floating_point_v< T >, Timeoperator/ (const Time &lhs, T rhs)
 Divide a Time by an integer value.
Comparison operators
bool operator== (const Time &lhs, const Time &rhs)
 Equality operator for Time.
bool operator!= (const Time &lhs, const Time &rhs)
 Inequality operator for Time.
bool operator<= (const Time &lhs, const Time &rhs)
 Less than or equal operator for Time.
bool operator>= (const Time &lhs, const Time &rhs)
 Greater than or equal operator for Time.
bool operator< (const Time &lhs, const Time &rhs)
 Less than operator for Time.
bool operator> (const Time &lhs, const Time &rhs)
 Greater than operator for Time.
bool operator< (const Time &time, const EventId &event)
 Compare a Time to an EventId.
Arithmetic operators
Time operator+ (const Time &lhs, const Time &rhs)
 Addition operator for Time.
Time operator- (const Time &lhs, const Time &rhs)
 Subtraction operator for Time.
Time operator* (const Time &lhs, const int64x64_t &rhs)
 Scale a Time by a numeric value.
Time operator* (const int64x64_t &lhs, const Time &rhs)
 Scale a Time by a numeric value.
int64x64_t operator/ (const Time &lhs, const Time &rhs)
 Exact division, returning a dimensionless fixed point number.
Time operator/ (const Time &lhs, const int64x64_t &rhs)
 Scale a Time by a numeric value.
Time operator% (const Time &lhs, const Time &rhs)
 Remainder (modulus) from the quotient of two Times.
int64_t Div (const Time &lhs, const Time &rhs)
 Integer quotient from dividing two Times.
Time Rem (const Time &lhs, const Time &rhs)
 Addition operator for Time.
template<class T >
std::enable_if_t< std::is_integral_v< T >, Timeoperator* (const Time &lhs, T rhs)
 Scale a Time by an integer value.
template<class T >
std::enable_if_t< std::is_arithmetic_v< T >, Timeoperator* (T lhs, const Time &rhs)
 Scale a Time by a numeric value.
template<class T >
std::enable_if_t< std::is_integral_v< T >, Timeoperator/ (const Time &lhs, T rhs)
 Divide a Time by an integer value.
Time Abs (const Time &time)
 Absolute value for Time.
Time Max (const Time &timeA, const Time &timeB)
 Maximum of two Times.
Time Min (const Time &timeA, const Time &timeB)
 Minimum of two Times.
Compound assignment operators
Timeoperator+= (Time &lhs, const Time &rhs)
 Compound addition assignment for Time.
Timeoperator-= (Time &lhs, const Time &rhs)
 Compound subtraction assignment for Time.

Related Functions

(Note that these are not member functions.)

Time TimeStep (uint64_t ts)
 Scheduler interface.

Detailed Description

Simulation virtual time values and global simulation resolution.

This class defines all the classic C++ addition/subtraction operators: +, -, +=, -=; and all the classic comparison operators: ==, !=, <, >, <=, >=. It is thus easy to add, subtract, or compare Time objects.

For example:

Time t1 = Seconds (10.0);
Time t2 = Seconds (10.0);
Time t3 = t1;
t3 += t2;
Simulation virtual time values and global simulation resolution.
Definition: nstime.h:105
Time Seconds(double value)
Construct a Time in the indicated unit.
Definition: nstime.h:1319

You can also use the following non-member functions to manipulate any of these ns3::Time object:

This class also controls the resolution of the underlying time representation. The resolution is the smallest representable time interval. The default resolution is nanoseconds.

To change the resolution, use SetResolution(). All Time objects created before the call to SetResolution() will be updated to the new resolution. This can only be done once! (Tracking each Time object uses 4 pointers. For speed, once we convert the existing instances we discard the recording data structure and stop tracking new instances, so we have no way to do a second conversion.)

If you increase the global resolution, you also implicitly decrease the maximum simulation duration. The global simulation time is stored in a 64 bit integer whose interpretation will depend on the global resolution. Therefore the maximum possible duration of your simulation if you use picoseconds is 2^64 ps = 2^24 s = 7 months, whereas, had you used nanoseconds, you could have run for 584 years.

Definition at line 104 of file nstime.h.

Member Typedef Documentation

◆ MarkedTimes

typedef std::set<Time*> ns3::Time::MarkedTimes

Record all instances of Time, so we can rescale them when the resolution changes.


We use a std::set so we can remove the record easily when ~Time() is called.

We don't use Ptr<Time>, because we would have to bloat every Time instance with SimpleRefCount<Time>.

Seems like this should be std::set< Time * const >, but Stack Overflow says otherwise, quoting the standard:

‍& sect;23.1/3 states that std::set key types must be assignable and copy constructable; clearly a const type will not be assignable.

Definition at line 707 of file nstime.h.

◆ TracedCallback

typedef void(* ns3::Time::TracedCallback) (Time value)

TracedCallback signature for Time.

[in]valueCurrent value of Time

Definition at line 629 of file nstime.h.

Member Enumeration Documentation

◆ Unit

The unit to use to interpret a number representing time.


year, 365 days

day, 24 hours

hour, 60 minutes


minute, 60 seconds













marker for last normal value


auto-scale output when using Time::As()

Definition at line 110 of file nstime.h.

Constructor & Destructor Documentation

◆ Time() [1/12]

ns3::Time::Time ( )

Default constructor, with value 0.

Definition at line 138 of file nstime.h.

References g_markingTimes, and Mark().

Referenced by From(), FromInteger(), Max(), and Min().

+ Here is the call graph for this function:
+ Here is the caller graph for this function:

◆ Time() [2/12]

ns3::Time::Time ( const Time o)

Copy constructor.

[in]oTime to copy

Definition at line 152 of file nstime.h.

References g_markingTimes, and Mark().

+ Here is the call graph for this function:

◆ Time() [3/12]

ns3::Time::Time ( Time &&  o)

Move constructor.

[in]oTime from which take the data

Definition at line 166 of file nstime.h.

References g_markingTimes, and Mark().

+ Here is the call graph for this function:

◆ Time() [4/12]

ns3::Time::Time ( double  v)

Construct from a numeric value.

The current time resolution will be assumed as the unit.

[in]vThe value.

Definition at line 185 of file nstime.h.

References g_markingTimes, and Mark().

+ Here is the call graph for this function:

◆ Time() [5/12]

ns3::Time::Time ( int  v)

Construct from a numeric value.

The current time resolution will be assumed as the unit.

[in]vThe value.

Definition at line 194 of file nstime.h.

References g_markingTimes, and Mark().

+ Here is the call graph for this function:

◆ Time() [6/12]

ns3::Time::Time ( long int  v)

Construct from a numeric value.

The current time resolution will be assumed as the unit.

[in]vThe value.

Definition at line 203 of file nstime.h.

References g_markingTimes, and Mark().

+ Here is the call graph for this function:

◆ Time() [7/12]

ns3::Time::Time ( long long int  v)

Construct from a numeric value.

The current time resolution will be assumed as the unit.

[in]vThe value.

Definition at line 212 of file nstime.h.

References g_markingTimes, and Mark().

+ Here is the call graph for this function:

◆ Time() [8/12]

ns3::Time::Time ( unsigned int  v)

Construct from a numeric value.

The current time resolution will be assumed as the unit.

[in]vThe value.

Definition at line 221 of file nstime.h.

References g_markingTimes, and Mark().

+ Here is the call graph for this function:

◆ Time() [9/12]

ns3::Time::Time ( unsigned long int  v)

Construct from a numeric value.

The current time resolution will be assumed as the unit.

[in]vThe value.

Definition at line 230 of file nstime.h.

References g_markingTimes, and Mark().

+ Here is the call graph for this function:

◆ Time() [10/12]

ns3::Time::Time ( unsigned long long int  v)

Construct from a numeric value.

The current time resolution will be assumed as the unit.

[in]vThe value.

Definition at line 239 of file nstime.h.

References g_markingTimes, and Mark().

+ Here is the call graph for this function:

◆ Time() [11/12]

ns3::Time::Time ( const int64x64_t v)

Construct from a numeric value.

The current time resolution will be assumed as the unit.

[in]vThe value.

Definition at line 248 of file nstime.h.

References g_markingTimes, and Mark().

+ Here is the call graph for this function:

◆ Time() [12/12]

ns3::Time::Time ( const std::string &  s)

Construct Time object from common time expressions like "1ms".

Supported units include:

  • s (seconds)
  • ms (milliseconds)
  • us (microseconds)
  • ns (nanoseconds)
  • ps (picoseconds)
  • fs (femtoseconds)
  • min (minutes)
  • h (hours)
  • d (days)
  • y (years)

There must be no whitespace between the numerical portion and the unit. If the string only contains a number, it is treated as seconds. Any otherwise malformed string causes a fatal error to occur.

[in]sThe string to parse into a Time

Definition at line 129 of file time.cc.

References D, FromDouble(), FS, g_markingTimes, H, Mark(), MIN, MS, NS, NS_ABORT_MSG, NS_LOG_FUNCTION, PS, S, US, and Y.

+ Here is the call graph for this function:

◆ ~Time()

ns3::Time::~Time ( )


Definition at line 303 of file nstime.h.

References Clear(), and g_markingTimes.

+ Here is the call graph for this function:

Member Function Documentation

◆ As()

TimeWithUnit ns3::Time::As ( const Unit  unit = Time::AUTO) const

Attach a unit to a Time, to facilitate output in a specific unit.

For example,

Time t (3.14e9); // Pi seconds
std::cout << t.As (Time::MS) << std::endl;
@ MS
Definition: nstime.h:117

will print +3140.0ms

[in]unitThe unit to use.
The Time with embedded unit.

Definition at line 415 of file time.cc.

Referenced by ns3::SixLowPanNetDevice::AddContext(), ThreeGppHttpClientServerTestSuite::AddHttpObjectTestCase(), ns3::dsr::DsrRouteCache::AddRoute_Link(), ns3::AsciiLrWpanMacTransmitSinkWithContext(), ns3::AsciiLrWpanMacTransmitSinkWithoutContext(), AssociateConfirm(), ns3::InterferenceHelper::CalculatePhyHeaderSectionPsr(), ns3::lrwpan::LrWpanCsmaCa::CanProceed(), TimeInputOutputTestCase::CheckAs(), EmlsrUlTxopTest::CheckBlockAck(), ns3::FlowMonitor::CheckForLostPackets(), ClientPageReceived(), ThreeGppHttpObjectTestCase::ClientRxDelayCallback(), ThreeGppHttpObjectTestCase::ClientRxRttCallback(), ns3::ThreeGppHttpServerTxBuffer::CloseAllSockets(), ns3::ThreeGppHttpServerTxBuffer::CloseSocket(), CommStatusIndication(), BatteryLifetimeTest::ConstantLoadTest(), CourseChangeCallback(), DataSentMacConfirm(), ns3::dsr::DsrRouteCache::DecStability(), ns3::DefaultTimePrinter(), ns3::TbfQueueDisc::DoDequeue(), ns3::A3RsrpHandoverAlgorithm::DoInitialize(), ns3::LteRlcSm::DoReceivePdu(), TimeInputOutputTestCase::DoRun(), LrWpanSlottedCsmacaTestCase::DoRun(), LteRadioLinkFailureTestCase::DoRun(), LteRlcAmE2eTestCase::DoRun(), LteHandoverDelayTestCase::DoRun(), ns3::EhtFrameExchangeManager::EmlsrSwitchToListening(), LteHandoverDelayTestCase::EnbHandoverEndOkCallback(), EnbRrcTimeout(), ns3::CommonInfoBasicMle::EncodeEmlsrPaddingDelay(), ns3::CommonInfoBasicMle::EncodeEmlsrTransitionDelay(), ns3::PhyEntity::EndOfMpdu(), ns3::UanMacCw::Enqueue(), ns3::ThreeGppHttpClient::EnterParsingTime(), ns3::ThreeGppHttpClient::EnterReadingTime(), ns3::dsr::DsrRouteCache::FindSameRoute(), ns3::dot11s::HwmpProtocol::ForwardPathError(), ns3::LteUePhy::GenerateCqiRsrpRsrq(), ns3::ChannelAccessManager::GetAccessGrantStart(), ns3::ChannelAccessManager::GetBackoffEndFor(), ns3::ChannelAccessManager::GetBackoffStartFor(), ns3::CommandLineHelper::GetDefault< Time >(), ns3::ChannelAccessManager::GetLargestIdlePrimaryChannel(), ns3::PhyEntity::GetReceptionStatus(), ns3::dsdv::RoutingProtocol::GetSettlingTime(), ns3::lrwpan::LrWpanCsmaCa::GetTimeToNextSlot(), ns3::ShowProgress::GiveFeedback(), ns3::lrwpan::LrWpanMac::IfsWaitTimeout(), ns3::dsr::DsrRouteCache::IncStability(), ns3::aodv::RoutingTableEntry::Invalidate(), ns3::olsr::RoutingProtocol::LinkSensing(), ns3::aodv::RoutingTable::MarkLinkAsUnidirectional(), MoveNode(), JakesPropagationExample::Next(), ns3::PhyEntity::NotifyCcaBusy(), ns3::HePhy::NotifyCcaBusy(), NotifyConnectionEstablishedEnb(), NotifyConnectionEstablishedUe(), NotifyConnectionTimeoutUe(), NotifyHandoverEndOkEnb(), NotifyHandoverEndOkUe(), NotifyHandoverFailure(), NotifyHandoverStartEnb(), NotifyHandoverStartUe(), NotifyRandomAccessErrorUe(), NotifyRaResponseTimeoutUe(), ns3::EhtFrameExchangeManager::NotifySwitchingEmlsrLink(), ns3::StaWifiMac::NotifySwitchingEmlsrLink(), NotifyViaTraceSource(), ns3::operator<<(), OrphanIndication(), ns3::lrwpan::LrWpanMac::PdDataConfirm(), ns3::lrwpan::LrWpanMac::PdDataIndication(), LrWpanCcaTestCase::PhyRxBegin(), LrWpanCcaTestCase::PhyRxDrop(), LrWpanCcaTestCase::PhyRxEnd(), PhySyncDetection(), LrWpanCcaTestCase::PhyTxBegin(), LrWpanCcaTestCase::PhyTxEnd(), LrWpanCcaTestCase::PlmeCcaConfirm(), PollConfirm(), ns3::dsdv::RoutingTableEntry::Print(), ns3::SeqTsEchoHeader::Print(), ns3::TimestampTag::Print(), ns3::MgtEmlOmn::Print(), ns3::UanHeaderRcData::Print(), ns3::UanHeaderRcRts::Print(), ns3::UanHeaderRcCtsGlobal::Print(), ns3::UanHeaderRcCts::Print(), ns3::TcpTxItem::Print(), PrintCellInfo(), PrintIntermediateTput(), ns3::Ipv6RoutingHelper::PrintNdiscCache(), ns3::Ipv6RoutingHelper::PrintNdiscCacheEvery(), ns3::lrwpan::LrWpanMac::PrintPendingTxQueue(), ns3::NixVectorRouting< T >::PrintRoutingPath(), ns3::NixVectorRouting< T >::PrintRoutingTable(), ns3::aodv::RoutingProtocol::PrintRoutingTable(), ns3::dsdv::RoutingProtocol::PrintRoutingTable(), ns3::Ipv4GlobalRouting::PrintRoutingTable(), ns3::Ipv4ListRouting::PrintRoutingTable(), ns3::Ipv4StaticRouting::PrintRoutingTable(), ns3::Ipv6ListRouting::PrintRoutingTable(), ns3::Ipv6StaticRouting::PrintRoutingTable(), ns3::Rip::PrintRoutingTable(), ns3::RipNg::PrintRoutingTable(), ns3::olsr::RoutingProtocol::PrintRoutingTable(), ns3::lrwpan::LrWpanMac::PrintTxQueue(), ns3::UplinkSchedulerMBQoS::ProcessBandwidthRequest(), ns3::lrwpan::LrWpanCsmaCa::RandomBackoffDelay(), ns3::ThreeGppHttpServer::ReceivedDataCallback(), ns3::MeshPointDevice::ReceiveFromDevice(), ns3::HeFrameExchangeManager::ReceiveMuBarTrigger(), ns3::dot11s::HwmpProtocol::ReceivePrep(), ns3::dot11s::HwmpProtocol::ReceivePreq(), ns3::ThreeGppHttpServerTxBuffer::RecordNextServe(), ns3::dsdv::RoutingProtocol::RecvDsdv(), ns3::ThreeGppHttpServerTxBuffer::RemoveSocket(), ns3::SixLowPanNetDevice::RenewContext(), ns3::WifiTxTimer::Reschedule(), PingTestCase::RttTraceSink(), ns3::FrameExchangeManager::RxStartIndication(), ns3::EhtFrameExchangeManager::RxStartIndication(), ns3::HeFrameExchangeManager::RxStartIndication(), ScanConfirm(), ns3::UanMacRc::ScheduleData(), ns3::PhyEntity::ScheduleEndOfMpdus(), ns3::OnOffApplication::ScheduleNextTx(), ns3::aodv::RoutingProtocol::ScheduleRreqRetry(), ns3::dsr::DsrRouting::ScheduleRreqRetry(), ns3::OnOffApplication::ScheduleStartEvent(), ns3::OnOffApplication::ScheduleStopEvent(), ns3::WifiPhy::Send(), ns3::HeFrameExchangeManager::SendMultiStaBlockAck(), ns3::aodv::RoutingProtocol::SendRerrMessage(), ns3::aodv::RoutingProtocol::SendRerrWhenNoRouteToForward(), ns3::MultiUserScheduler::SetAccessReqInterval(), ns3::ThreeGppHttpHeader::SetClientTs(), ns3::ThreeGppHttpVariables::SetEmbeddedObjectGenerationDelay(), ns3::PointToPointNetDevice::SetInterframeGap(), ns3::ThreeGppHttpVariables::SetMainObjectGenerationDelay(), ns3::EmlsrManager::SetMediumSyncDuration(), ns3::ThreeGppHttpVariables::SetParsingTimeMean(), ns3::ThreeGppHttpVariables::SetReadingTimeMean(), ns3::ThreeGppHttpHeader::SetServerTs(), ns3::EmlsrManager::SetTransitionTimeout(), ns3::MultiLinkElement::SetTransitionTimeout(), ns3::TimeProbe::SetValue(), ns3::TimeProbe::SetValueByPath(), ns3::dsr::DsrRouting::Start(), ns3::FlowMonitor::Start(), ns3::WifiPhyRxTraceHelper::Start(), ns3::UanMacRcGw::StartCycle(), ns3::BaseStationNetDevice::StartDlSubFrame(), ns3::lrwpan::LrWpanMac::StartInactivePeriod(), ns3::SpectrumWifiPhy::StartRx(), ns3::UanMacCw::StartTimer(), ns3::BaseStationNetDevice::StartUlSubFrame(), StateChangeNotification(), TestRxOffWhenIdleAfterCsmaFailure::StateChangeNotificationDev0(), TestRxOffWhenIdleAfterCsmaFailure::StateChangeNotificationDev2(), ns3::FlowMonitor::Stop(), Throughput(), ns3::TimeProbe::TraceSink(), ns3::CsmaNetDevice::TransmitCompleteEvent(), ns3::CsmaChannel::TransmitEnd(), ns3::CsmaNetDevice::TransmitStart(), ns3::PointToPointNetDevice::TransmitStart(), ns3::RrMultiUserScheduler::TrySendingBasicTf(), ns3::RrMultiUserScheduler::TrySendingBsrpTf(), LteHandoverDelayTestCase::UeHandoverEndOkCallback(), UeStateTransition(), UpdateAnimation(), ns3::RrMultiUserScheduler::UpdateCredits(), ns3::EhtFrameExchangeManager::UpdateTxopEndOnRxEnd(), ns3::EhtFrameExchangeManager::UpdateTxopEndOnRxStartIndication(), ns3::EhtFrameExchangeManager::UpdateTxopEndOnTxStart(), and BatteryLifetimeTest::VariableLoadTest().

◆ Clear()

void ns3::Time::Clear ( Time *const  time)

Remove a Time instance from the MarkedTimes, called by ~Time().

[in]timeThe Time instance to remove.

Definition at line 348 of file time.cc.

References ns3::g_markingMutex, g_markingTimes, NS_ASSERT, NS_ASSERT_MSG, NS_LOG_FUNCTION, NS_LOG_LOGIC, and NS_LOG_WARN.

Referenced by ~Time().

+ Here is the caller graph for this function:

◆ ClearMarkedTimes()

void ns3::Time::ClearMarkedTimes ( )

Remove all MarkedTimes.

Has to be visible to the Simulator class, hence the friending.

We're called by Simulator::Run, which knows nothing about the mutex, so we need a critical section here.

It would seem natural to use this function at the end of ConvertTimes, but that function already has the mutex. The mutex can not be locked more than once in the same thread, so calling this function from ConvertTimes is a bad idea.

Instead, we copy this body into ConvertTimes.

Definition at line 296 of file time.cc.

References ns3::g_markingMutex, g_markingTimes, NS_LOG_FUNCTION_NOARGS, and NS_LOG_LOGIC.

Referenced by ns3::Simulator::Run().

+ Here is the caller graph for this function:

◆ Compare()

int ns3::Time::Compare ( const Time o) const

Compare this to another Time.

[in]oThe other Time
-1,0,+1 if this < o, this == o, or this > o

Definition at line 362 of file nstime.h.

References m_data.

◆ ConvertTimes()

void ns3::Time::ConvertTimes ( const Unit  unit)

Convert existing Times to the new unit.

[in]unitThe Unit to convert existing Times to.

Definition at line 376 of file time.cc.

References ns3::g_markingMutex, g_markingTimes, m_data, NS_ASSERT_MSG, NS_LOG_FUNCTION_NOARGS, NS_LOG_LOGIC, and ToInteger().

Referenced by SetResolution().

+ Here is the call graph for this function:
+ Here is the caller graph for this function:

◆ From() [1/2]

static Time ns3::Time::From ( const int64x64_t value)

Create a Time in the current unit.

[in]valueThe value of the new Time.
A Time with value in the current time unit.

Definition at line 481 of file nstime.h.

References Time().

Referenced by ns3::Days(), RttEstimatorTestCase::DoRun(), ns3::FemtoSeconds(), FromDouble(), ns3::Hours(), ns3::RttMeanDeviation::IntegerUpdate(), ns3::MicroSeconds(), ns3::MilliSeconds(), ns3::Minutes(), ns3::NanoSeconds(), ns3::PicoSeconds(), RoundTo(), ns3::Seconds(), and ns3::Years().

+ Here is the call graph for this function:
+ Here is the caller graph for this function:

◆ From() [2/2]

static Time ns3::Time::From ( const int64x64_t value,
Unit  unit 

Create a Time equal to value in unit unit.

[in]valueThe new Time value, expressed in unit
[in]unitThe unit of value
The Time representing value in unit

Definition at line 521 of file nstime.h.

References Time(), ns3::Time::Information::fromMul, ns3::Time::Information::isValid, ns3::int64x64_t::MulByInvert(), NS_ASSERT_MSG, PeekInformation(), and ns3::Time::Information::timeFrom.

+ Here is the call graph for this function:

◆ FromDouble()

static Time ns3::Time::FromDouble ( double  value,
Unit  unit 

Create a Time equal to value in unit unit.

[in]valueThe new Time value, expressed in unit
[in]unitThe unit of value
The Time representing value in unit

Definition at line 516 of file nstime.h.

References From().

Referenced by Time(), ns3::Days(), ns3::RttMeanDeviation::FloatingPointUpdate(), ns3::Hours(), ns3::Minutes(), ns3::TcpSocketBase::ReTxTimeout(), ns3::Seconds(), and ns3::Years().

+ Here is the call graph for this function:
+ Here is the caller graph for this function:

◆ FromInteger()

static Time ns3::Time::FromInteger ( uint64_t  value,
Unit  unit 

Create a Time equal to value in unit unit.

[in]valueThe new Time value, expressed in unit
[in]unitThe unit of value
The Time representing value in unit

Definition at line 499 of file nstime.h.

References Time(), ns3::Time::Information::factor, ns3::Time::Information::fromMul, ns3::Time::Information::isValid, NS_ASSERT_MSG, and PeekInformation().

Referenced by ns3::FemtoSeconds(), ns3::Ipv4ClickRouting::HandleScheduleFromClick(), ns3::MicroSeconds(), ns3::MilliSeconds(), ns3::NanoSeconds(), and ns3::PicoSeconds().

+ Here is the call graph for this function:
+ Here is the caller graph for this function:

◆ GetDays()

double ns3::Time::GetDays ( ) const

Get an approximation of the time stored in this instance in the indicated unit.

An approximate value in the indicated unit.

Definition at line 388 of file nstime.h.

References D, and ToDouble().

+ Here is the call graph for this function:

◆ GetDouble()

double ns3::Time::GetDouble ( ) const

Get the raw time value, in the current resolution unit.

The raw time value

Definition at line 450 of file nstime.h.

References m_data.

Referenced by TimeSimpleTestCase::TestMultiplicationByDecimalTypes(), and ns3::TcpHtcp::UpdateBeta().

+ Here is the caller graph for this function:

◆ GetFemtoSeconds()

int64_t ns3::Time::GetFemtoSeconds ( ) const

Get an approximation of the time stored in this instance in the indicated unit.

An approximate value in the indicated unit.

Definition at line 428 of file nstime.h.

References FS, and ToInteger().

Referenced by DataRateTestCase::CheckTimesEqual(), ns3::HtPhy::GetPayloadDuration(), ns3::OfdmPhy::GetPayloadDuration(), and ns3::Ipv4ClickRouting::GetTimevalFromNow().

+ Here is the call graph for this function:
+ Here is the caller graph for this function:

◆ GetHours()

double ns3::Time::GetHours ( ) const

Get an approximation of the time stored in this instance in the indicated unit.

An approximate value in the indicated unit.

Definition at line 393 of file nstime.h.

References H, and ToDouble().

Referenced by ns3::lorawan::LoraHelper::DoPrintSimulationTime(), and GraphBattery5().

+ Here is the call graph for this function:
+ Here is the caller graph for this function:

◆ GetInteger()

int64_t ns3::Time::GetInteger ( ) const

Get the raw time value, in the current resolution unit.

The raw time value

Definition at line 455 of file nstime.h.

References GetTimeStep().

Referenced by ns3::DistributedSimulatorImpl::CalculateLookAhead(), TimeSimpleTestCase::DoRun(), RttEstimatorTestCase::DoRun(), ns3::RttMeanDeviation::IntegerUpdate(), ns3::NullMessageMpiInterface::SendNullMessage(), ns3::GrantedTimeWindowMpiInterface::SendPacket(), ns3::NullMessageMpiInterface::SendPacket(), and anonymous_namespace{traced-value-callback-typedef-test-suite.cc}::TracedValueCbSink< Time >().

+ Here is the call graph for this function:
+ Here is the caller graph for this function:

◆ GetMicroSeconds()

int64_t ns3::Time::GetMicroSeconds ( ) const

Get an approximation of the time stored in this instance in the indicated unit.

An approximate value in the indicated unit.

Definition at line 413 of file nstime.h.

References ToInteger(), and US.

Referenced by NodeStatistics::AdvancePosition(), ns3::dot11s::IeBeaconTiming::BeaconIntervalToU16(), OfdmaAckSequenceTest::CheckResults(), CheckT1QueueSize(), CheckT2QueueSize(), CoDelQueueDiscBasicDrop::Dequeue(), CoDelQueueDiscBasicMark::Dequeue(), ns3::ApWifiMac::DoInitialize(), LrWpanSlottedCsmacaTestCase::DoRun(), WifiTxopTest::DoRun(), ns3::CommonInfoBasicMle::EncodeEmlsrPaddingDelay(), ns3::CommonInfoBasicMle::EncodeEmlsrTransitionDelay(), ns3::dot11s::HwmpProtocol::GetActivePathLifetime(), ns3::ApWifiMac::GetEdcaParameterSet(), ns3::TidToLinkMapping::GetMappingSwitchTime(), ns3::Ipv4ClickRouting::GetTimevalFromNow(), Ns3TcpLossTestCase::Ipv4L3Tx(), Ns3TcpStateTestCase::Ipv4L3Tx(), PacketDequeue(), PrintIntermediateTput(), ns3::MinstrelWifiManager::PrintTable(), ns3::dot11s::HwmpProtocol::ReceivePreq(), PingTestCase::ReportTraceSink(), ns3::MeshWifiInterfaceMac::SendBeacon(), ns3::ApWifiMac::SendOneBeacon(), ns3::dot11s::HwmpProtocol::SendProactivePreq(), ns3::ApWifiMac::SendProbeResp(), ns3::dot11s::PeerLink::SetBeaconInformation(), ns3::ApWifiMac::SetBeaconInterval(), ns3::dot11s::PeerLink::SetConfirmTimer(), ns3::DsssPpdu::SetDsssHeader(), ns3::TidToLinkMapping::SetExpectedDuration(), ns3::dot11s::PeerLink::SetHoldingTimer(), ns3::TidToLinkMapping::SetMappingSwitchTime(), ns3::CommonInfoBasicMle::SetMediumSyncDelayTimer(), ns3::MuEdcaParameterSet::SetMuEdcaTimer(), ns3::dot11s::PeerLink::SetRetryTimer(), ns3::MultiLinkElement::SetTransitionTimeout(), ns3::Txop::SetTxopLimit(), ns3::MinstrelHtWifiManager::StatsDump(), ns3::dot11s::IeBeaconTiming::TimestampToU16(), ns3::MinstrelWifiManager::UpdateStats(), and ns3::PcapFileWrapper::Write().

+ Here is the call graph for this function:
+ Here is the caller graph for this function:

◆ GetMilliSeconds()

int64_t ns3::Time::GetMilliSeconds ( ) const

Get an approximation of the time stored in this instance in the indicated unit.

An approximate value in the indicated unit.

Definition at line 408 of file nstime.h.

References MS, and ToInteger().

Referenced by ns3::aodv::RrepHeader::RrepHeader(), ns3::PieQueueDisc::CalculateP(), ns3::TcpLedbat::CongestionAvoidance(), ns3::TraceFadingLossModel::DoCalcRxPowerSpectralDensity(), ns3::PieQueueDisc::DoEnqueue(), ThreeGppChannelMatrixUpdateTest::DoGetChannel(), ThreeGppAntennaSetupChangedTest::DoGetChannel(), ns3::A3RsrpHandoverAlgorithm::DoInitialize(), ns3::LteRlcAm::DoReportBufferStatus(), ns3::LteRlcTm::DoReportBufferStatus(), ns3::LteRlcUm::DoReportBufferStatus(), LenaDataPhyErrorModelTestCase::DoRun(), LenaDlCtrlPhyErrorModelTestCase::DoRun(), LteUeMeasurementsHandoverTestCase::DoRun(), Ns3TcpCubicTestCase::DoRun(), ns3::TcpOptionTS::ElapsedTimeFromTsValue(), ns3::LteSpectrumPhy::EndRxData(), LteHandoverTargetTestCase::HandoverStartCallback(), ns3::TcpYeah::IncreaseWindow(), TcpVegasTest::IncreaseWindow(), ns3::TraceFadingLossModel::LoadTrace(), ns3::TcpOptionTS::NowToTsValue(), PingRtt(), ns3::TcpLp::PktsAcked(), ns3::TcpYeah::PktsAcked(), ns3::TcpHybla::RecalcParam(), TcpIllinoisTest::RecalcParam(), ns3::TcpIllinois::RecalcParam(), ns3::LteUePhy::ReceiveLteControlMessageList(), LteUeMeasurementsPiecewiseTestCase1::RecvMeasurementReportCallback(), LteUeMeasurementsPiecewiseTestCase2::RecvMeasurementReportCallback(), LteUeMeasurementsPiecewiseTestCase3::RecvMeasurementReportCallback(), LteUeMeasurementsHandoverTestCase::RecvMeasurementReportCallback(), ns3::UanHeaderRcData::Serialize(), ns3::UanHeaderRcRts::Serialize(), ns3::UanHeaderRcCtsGlobal::Serialize(), ns3::UanHeaderRcCts::Serialize(), ns3::aodv::RrepHeader::SetHello(), ns3::aodv::RrepHeader::SetLifeTime(), and ns3::LteEnbPhy::StartSubFrame().

+ Here is the call graph for this function:
+ Here is the caller graph for this function:

◆ GetMinutes()

double ns3::Time::GetMinutes ( ) const

Get an approximation of the time stored in this instance in the indicated unit.

An approximate value in the indicated unit.

Definition at line 398 of file nstime.h.

References MIN, and ToDouble().

Referenced by GraphBattery1(), GraphBattery2(), and GraphBattery4().

+ Here is the call graph for this function:
+ Here is the caller graph for this function:

◆ GetNanoSeconds()

int64_t ns3::Time::GetNanoSeconds ( ) const

Get an approximation of the time stored in this instance in the indicated unit.

An approximate value in the indicated unit.

Definition at line 418 of file nstime.h.

References NS, and ToInteger().

Referenced by ns3::OfdmPhy::CalculateDataRate(), ns3::lorawan::LoraRadioEnergyModel::ChangeState(), ns3::AcousticModemEnergyModel::ChangeState(), ns3::CoDelGetTime(), ns3::ConvertGuardIntervalToNanoSeconds(), ns3::HePhy::ConvertHeTbPpduDurationToLSigLength(), CobaltQueueDiscMarkTest::Dequeue(), ns3::LteRlcAm::DoReceivePdu(), ns3::LteRlcUm::DoReceivePdu(), ns3::LteRlcSm::DoReceivePdu(), ns3::LtePdcp::DoReceivePdu(), TimeSimpleTestCase::DoRun(), TimeInputOutputTestCase::DoRun(), anonymous_namespace{sample-show-progress.cc}::Hold::Event(), ns3::HtPhy::GetPayloadDuration(), ns3::OfdmPhy::GetPayloadDuration(), ns3::Ipv4ClickRouting::GetTimevalFromNow(), ns3::HePhy::GetValidPpduDuration(), SimulatorEventsTestCase::NowUs(), ns3::PdcpTag::Serialize(), ns3::RlcTag::Serialize(), ns3::WifiMacHeader::SetDuration(), ns3::HtPpdu::SetLSigHeader(), ns3::VhtPpdu::SetLSigHeader(), ns3::HePpdu::SetLSigHeader(), ns3::CoDelQueueDisc::Time2CoDel(), ns3::CobaltQueueDisc::Time2CoDel(), ns3::energy::BasicEnergyHarvester::UpdateHarvestedPower(), and ns3::PcapFileWrapper::Write().

+ Here is the call graph for this function:
+ Here is the caller graph for this function:

◆ GetPicoSeconds()

int64_t ns3::Time::GetPicoSeconds ( ) const

Get an approximation of the time stored in this instance in the indicated unit.

An approximate value in the indicated unit.

Definition at line 423 of file nstime.h.

References PS, and ToInteger().

Referenced by ns3::Ipv4ClickRouting::GetTimevalFromNow().

+ Here is the call graph for this function:
+ Here is the caller graph for this function:

◆ GetResolution()

Time::Unit ns3::Time::GetResolution ( )
The current global resolution.

Definition at line 408 of file time.cc.

References PeekResolution(), and ns3::Time::Resolution::unit.

Referenced by ns3::DefaultTimePrinter(), DataRateTestCase1::DoRun(), and ns3::operator<<().

+ Here is the call graph for this function:
+ Here is the caller graph for this function:

◆ GetSeconds()

double ns3::Time::GetSeconds ( ) const

Get an approximation of the time stored in this instance in the indicated unit.

An approximate value in the indicated unit.

Definition at line 403 of file nstime.h.

References S, and ToDouble().

Referenced by ns3::RttEstimator::RttEstimator(), ns3::lorawan::LoraInterferenceHelper::Add(), ns3::lorawan::LogicalLoraChannelHelper::AddEvent(), ns3::dot11s::HwmpRtable::AddReactivePath(), NodeStatistics::AdvancePosition(), ns3::AsciiPhyReceiveSinkWithContext(), ns3::AsciiPhyReceiveSinkWithoutContext(), ns3::AsciiPhyRxOkEvent(), ns3::AsciiPhyTransmitSinkWithContext(), ns3::AsciiPhyTransmitSinkWithoutContext(), ns3::AsciiPhyTxEvent(), ns3::WimaxHelper::AsciiRxEvent(), ns3::WimaxHelper::AsciiTxEvent(), ns3::RandomWalk2dOutdoorMobilityModel::AvoidBuilding(), BackoffTrace(), BytesInQueueTrace(), ns3::ThreeGppSpectrumPropagationLossModel::CalcBeamformingGain(), ns3::InterferenceHelper::CalculateChunkSuccessRate(), ns3::SimpleOfdmWimaxPhy::CalculateDataRate(), ns3::PieQueueDisc::CalculateP(), ns3::InterferenceHelper::CalculatePayloadChunkSuccessRate(), ns3::energy::GenericBatteryModel::CalculateRemainingEnergy(), ns3::energy::LiIonEnergySource::CalculateRemainingEnergy(), TcpYeahDecrementTest::CalculateSsThresh(), CalculateThroughput(), ns3::MinstrelHtWifiManager::CalculateThroughput(), ns3::LteUeRrc::CancelEnteringTrigger(), ns3::LteUeRrc::CancelLeavingTrigger(), ns3::lrwpan::LrWpanCsmaCa::CanProceed(), ns3::lorawan::LoraRadioEnergyModel::ChangeState(), ns3::AcousticModemEnergyModel::ChangeState(), ns3::WifiRadioEnergyModel::ChangeState(), CheckQueueDiscSize(), CheckQueueSize(), CheckT1QueueSize(), CheckT2QueueSize(), ThreeGppHttpObjectTestCase::ClientRxDelayCallback(), ThreeGppHttpObjectTestCase::ClientRxRttCallback(), ns3::CobaltQueueDisc::CobaltShouldDrop(), ns3::UanMacRcGw::ComputeAlpha(), ns3::UanMacRcGw::ComputeExpS(), ComputeSnr(), Ns2MobilityHelperTest::CourseChange(), WaypointMobilityModelNotifyTest::CourseChangeCallback(), ns3::AnimationInterface::CsmaPhyTxEndTrace(), CwndChange(), CwndTrace(), CwndTracer(), Ns3TcpLossTestCase::CwndTracer(), CwTrace(), LrWpanDataIfsTestCase::DataReceivedDev0(), LrWpanDataIfsTestCase::DataReceivedDev1(), CobaltQueueDiscCeThresholdTest::DequeueWithDelay(), CobaltQueueDiscEnhancedBlueTest::DequeueWithDelay(), ns3::AnimationInterface::DevTxTrace(), ns3::MacStatsCalculator::DlScheduling(), ns3::TraceFadingLossModel::DoCalcRxPowerSpectralDensity(), ns3::CoDelQueueDisc::DoDequeue(), ns3::PieQueueDisc::DoDequeue(), ns3::TbfQueueDisc::DoDequeue(), ns3::SimpleOfdmWimaxPhy::DoGetFrameDurationCode(), ns3::SimpleOfdmWimaxPhy::DoGetNrBytes(), ns3::SimpleOfdmWimaxPhy::DoGetNrSymbols(), ns3::Rip::DoInitialize(), ns3::RipNg::DoInitialize(), ns3::dot11s::HwmpProtocol::DoInitialize(), ns3::MeshWifiInterfaceMac::DoInitialize(), ns3::lorawan::LoraHelper::DoPrintDeviceStatus(), ns3::lorawan::LoraHelper::DoPrintGlobalPerformance(), ns3::lorawan::LoraHelper::DoPrintPhyPerformance(), TimeWithSignTestCase::DoRun(), TcpHyblaIncrementTest::DoRun(), TcpVenoTest::DoRun(), TimeOnAirTest::DoRun(), ns3::SimpleOfdmWimaxPhy::DoSetPhyParameters(), ns3::RandomWalk2dOutdoorMobilityModel::DoWalk(), ns3::GaussMarkovMobilityModel::DoWalk(), ns3::RandomWalk2dMobilityModel::DoWalk(), DropAtQueue(), ns3::PieQueueDisc::DropEarly(), DroppingStateTracer(), ns3::LteChunkProcessor::End(), ns3::BaseStationNetDevice::EndDlSubFrame(), ns3::BaseStationNetDevice::EndUlSubFrame(), CobaltQueueDiscCeThresholdTest::EnqueueWithDelay(), ns3::TcpWestwoodPlus::EstimateBW(), ns3::LteChunkProcessor::EvaluateChunk(), ns3::ShannonSpectrumErrorModel::EvaluateChunk(), EveryDropTracer(), anonymous_namespace{sample-simulator.cc}::ExampleFunction(), ns3::SpectrumAnalyzer::GenerateReport(), ns3::TcpRateLinux::GenerateSample(), GenerateTraffic(), ns3::lorawan::LogicalLoraChannelHelper::GetAggregatedWaitingTime(), ns3::lorawan::EndDeviceLorawanMac::GetChannelForTx(), ns3::UanMacRcGw::GetExpPdk(), ns3::lorawan::ClassAEndDeviceLorawanMac::GetNextClassTransmissionDelay(), ns3::lorawan::EndDeviceLorawanMac::GetNextTransmissionDelay(), ns3::lorawan::LoraPhy::GetOnAirTime(), ns3::lrwpan::LrWpanCsmaCa::GetTimeToNextSlot(), ns3::Ipv4ClickRouting::GetTimevalFromNow(), ns3::energy::SimpleDeviceEnergyModel::GetTotalEnergyConsumption(), ns3::WifiRadioEnergyModel::GetTotalEnergyConsumption(), ns3::JakesProcess::Oscillator::GetValueAt(), ns3::lorawan::LogicalLoraChannelHelper::GetWaitingTime(), GoodputSampling(), anonymous_namespace{sample-simulator.cc}::MyModel::HandleEvent(), Ipv4DynamicGlobalRoutingTestCase::HandleRead(), ns3::TcpVegas::IncreaseWindow(), ns3::TcpVeno::IncreaseWindow(), ns3::TcpYeah::IncreaseWindow(), TcpYeahIncrementTest::IncreaseWindow(), InFlightTracer(), ns3::RedQueueDisc::InitializeParams(), ns3::TcpBbr::InitPacingRate(), ns3::SubscriberStationNetDevice::InitSubscriberStationNetDevice(), ns3::RraaWifiManager::InitThresholds(), ns3::RrpaaWifiManager::InitThresholds(), ns3::Ipv4L3ProtocolDropSinkWithContext(), ns3::Ipv4L3ProtocolDropSinkWithoutContext(), ns3::Ipv4L3ProtocolRxSinkWithContext(), ns3::Ipv4L3ProtocolRxSinkWithoutContext(), ns3::Ipv4L3ProtocolTxSinkWithContext(), ns3::Ipv4L3ProtocolTxSinkWithoutContext(), ns3::Ipv6L3ProtocolDropSinkWithContext(), ns3::Ipv6L3ProtocolDropSinkWithoutContext(), ns3::Ipv6L3ProtocolRxSinkWithContext(), ns3::Ipv6L3ProtocolRxSinkWithoutContext(), ns3::Ipv6L3ProtocolTxSinkWithContext(), ns3::Ipv6L3ProtocolTxSinkWithoutContext(), ns3::lorawan::GatewayStatus::IsAvailableForTransmission(), ns3::lorawan::LoraInterferenceHelper::IsDestroyedByInterference(), LimitsTrace(), MacRxTrace(), MacTxTrace(), modify(), ns3::TcpSocketBase::NewAck(), NextRxTracer(), NextTxTracer(), ns3::operator*(), ns3::operator<<(), PacingRateTracer(), PacketDequeue(), NodeStatistics::PhyCallback(), PhyStateTrace(), PhyTxTrace(), ns3::TcpHtcp::PktsAcked(), ns3::lorawan::EndDeviceLorawanMac::postponeTransmission(), ns3::Ipv4RoutingHelper::PrintArpCache(), ns3::Ipv4RoutingHelper::PrintArpCacheEvery(), PrintFairness(), IpAddressHelper::PrintIpAddresses(), PrintPosition(), PrintProgress(), PrintReceivedPacket(), PrintThroughput(), ns3::AnimationInterface::PurgePendingPackets(), ns3::lrwpan::LrWpanCsmaCa::RandomBackoffDelay(), anonymous_namespace{sample-simulator.cc}::RandomFunction(), ns3::RandomWalk2dOutdoorMobilityModel::Rebound(), ns3::OpenFlowSwitchNetDevice::ReceiveFromDevice(), ns3::ofi::LearningController::ReceiveFromSwitch(), RemainingEnergyTrace(), anonymous_namespace{sample-log-time-format.cc}::ReplacementTimePrinter(), ns3::MeshHelper::Report(), ns3::dot11s::HwmpProtocol::Report(), ns3::dot11s::PeerLink::Report(), ns3::flame::FlameProtocol::Report(), ns3::MeshWifiInterfaceMac::Report(), ns3::PhyStatsCalculator::ReportCurrentCellRsrpSinr(), ns3::PhyStatsCalculator::ReportInterference(), ns3::FlowMonitor::ReportLastRx(), ns3::PhyStatsCalculator::ReportUeSinr(), ns3::lorawan::LoraPacketTracker::RequiredTransmissionsCallback(), SampleEmitter::Reschedule(), NetAnimExperiment::ResetData(), Experiment::ResetData(), ResetTrace(), ns3::TcpSocketBase::ReTxTimeout(), TcpBytesInFlightTest::RTOExpired(), RtoTracer(), TcpRttEstimationTest::RttTrace(), RttTracer(), PingTestCase::RttTraceSink(), Experiment::Run(), RxEvent(), RxTracer(), ns3::lorawan::GatewayLorawanMac::Send(), ns3::DhcpServer::SendAck(), ns3::TcpSocketBase::SendDataPacket(), TcpDctcpCongestedRouter::SendDataPacket(), ns3::TcpSocketCongestedRouter::SendDataPacket(), ns3::TcpSocketBase::SendEmptyPacket(), ns3::TcpSocketSmallAcks::SendEmptyPacket(), ns3::DhcpServer::SendOffer(), ns3::TcpGeneralTest::SendPacket(), ns3::Rip::SendTriggeredRouteUpdate(), ns3::RipNg::SendTriggeredRouteUpdate(), ns3::Rip::SendUnsolicitedRouteUpdate(), ns3::RipNg::SendUnsolicitedRouteUpdate(), ns3::dot11s::PeerLink::SetBeaconInformation(), ns3::energy::SimpleDeviceEnergyModel::SetCurrentA(), ns3::ThreeGppHttpVariables::SetEmbeddedObjectGenerationDelay(), ns3::olsr::MessageHeader::Hello::SetHTime(), ns3::ThreeGppHttpVariables::SetMainObjectGenerationDelay(), ns3::ThreeGppHttpVariables::SetParsingTimeMean(), ns3::ThreeGppHttpVariables::SetReadingTimeMean(), ns3::DhcpHeader::SetTime(), NodeStatistics::SetupPhy(), ns3::TimeProbe::SetValue(), ns3::olsr::MessageHeader::SetVTime(), showPosition(), SocketPrinter(), SocketSendTrace(), SsThreshTracer(), ns3::lorawan::PeriodicSender::StartApplication(), ns3::UanMacRcGw::StartCycle(), ns3::BaseStationNetDevice::StartDlSubFrame(), Ns3TcpLossTestCase::StartFlow(), Ns3TcpStateTestCase::StartFlow(), ns3::BaseStationNetDevice::StartFrame(), ns3::lorawan::SimpleEndDeviceLoraPhy::StartReceive(), ns3::BaseStationNetDevice::StartUlSubFrame(), NodeStatistics::StateCallback(), TcPacketsInQueue(), TestDeterministicByTime(), Throughput(), TraceDrop(), TraceDropsFrequency(), TraceFirstCwnd(), TraceFirstDctcp(), TraceFirstRtt(), TraceFirstThroughput(), TraceMark(), TraceMarksFrequency(), TraceN0Cwnd(), TraceN0Rtt(), TraceN0Throughput(), TraceN1Cwnd(), TraceN1Rtt(), TraceN1Throughput(), TracePingRtt(), TraceQueueDrop(), TraceQueueLength(), TraceQueueMark(), TraceSecondCwnd(), TraceSecondDctcp(), TraceSecondRtt(), TraceSecondThroughput(), ns3::TimeProbe::TraceSink(), TcpPacingTest::Tx(), TxTracer(), ns3::MacStatsCalculator::UlScheduling(), ns3::ConstantVelocityHelper::Update(), ns3::TcpCubic::Update(), ns3::TcpBbr::UpdateAckAggregation(), ns3::TcpHtcp::UpdateAlpha(), ns3::TcpLedbat::UpdateBaseDelay(), TcpPacingTest::UpdateExpectedInterval(), ns3::energy::BasicEnergyHarvester::UpdateHarvestedPower(), ns3::TcpSocketBase::UpdatePacingRate(), ns3::WriteAveragePowerSpectralDensityReport(), ns3::RadioBearerStatsCalculator::WriteDlResults(), ns3::RadioBearerStatsCalculator::WriteUlResults(), Ns3TcpLossTestCase::WriteUntilBufferFull(), and Ns3TcpStateTestCase::WriteUntilBufferFull().

+ Here is the call graph for this function:

◆ GetTimeStep()

int64_t ns3::Time::GetTimeStep ( ) const

Get the raw time value, in the current resolution unit.

The raw time value

Definition at line 445 of file nstime.h.

References m_data.

Referenced by ns3::lrwpan::LrWpanPhy::EndEd(), ns3::lrwpan::LrWpanPhy::EndRx(), ns3::WaveformGenerator::GenerateWaveform(), GetInteger(), ns3::Radvd::HandleRead(), ns3::Synchronizer::NanosecondToTimeStep(), ns3::DistributedSimulatorImpl::NextTs(), ns3::OmnetDataOutput::OmnetOutputCallback::OutputSingleton(), ns3::SqliteDataOutput::SqliteOutputCallback::OutputSingleton(), ns3::RealtimeSimulatorImpl::ProcessOneEvent(), ns3::DefaultSimulatorImpl::Schedule(), ns3::RealtimeSimulatorImpl::Schedule(), ns3::DistributedSimulatorImpl::Schedule(), ns3::NullMessageSimulatorImpl::Schedule(), ns3::RealtimeSimulatorImpl::ScheduleRealtimeWithContext(), ns3::DefaultSimulatorImpl::ScheduleWithContext(), ns3::RealtimeSimulatorImpl::ScheduleWithContext(), ns3::DistributedSimulatorImpl::ScheduleWithContext(), ns3::NullMessageSimulatorImpl::ScheduleWithContext(), ns3::NullMessageMpiInterface::SendNullMessage(), ns3::GrantedTimeWindowMpiInterface::SendPacket(), ns3::NullMessageMpiInterface::SendPacket(), ns3::SeqTsEchoHeader::Serialize(), ns3::TimestampTag::Serialize(), ns3::AmpduTag::Serialize(), ns3::ThreeGppHttpHeader::SetClientTs(), ns3::ThreeGppHttpHeader::SetServerTs(), ns3::lrwpan::LrWpanPhy::StartRx(), ns3::DefaultSimulatorImpl::Stop(), ns3::DistributedSimulatorImpl::Stop(), ns3::NullMessageSimulatorImpl::Stop(), TimeSimpleTestCase::TestDivisionByIntegerTypes(), TimeSimpleTestCase::TestMultiplicationByIntegerTypes(), ns3::DesMetrics::TraceWithContext(), and WifiFilsFrameTest::ValidateTiming().

+ Here is the caller graph for this function:

◆ GetYears()

double ns3::Time::GetYears ( ) const

Get an approximation of the time stored in this instance in the indicated unit.

An approximate value in the indicated unit.

Definition at line 383 of file nstime.h.

References ToDouble(), and Y.

+ Here is the call graph for this function:

◆ IsNegative()

bool ns3::Time::IsNegative ( ) const

Exactly equivalent to t <= 0.

true if the time is negative or zero, false otherwise.

Definition at line 324 of file nstime.h.

References m_data.

Referenced by ns3::RandomWalk2dOutdoorMobilityModel::DoWalk(), ns3::QosFrameExchangeManager::IsWithinSizeAndTimeLimits(), and ns3::RrMultiUserScheduler::TrySendingBasicTf().

+ Here is the caller graph for this function:

◆ IsPositive()

bool ns3::Time::IsPositive ( ) const

◆ IsStrictlyNegative()

bool ns3::Time::IsStrictlyNegative ( ) const

Exactly equivalent to t < 0.

true if the time is strictly negative, false otherwise.

Definition at line 342 of file nstime.h.

References m_data.

Referenced by ns3::FrameExchangeManager::DoSendCtsAfterRts(), ns3::QosTxop::GetRemainingTxop(), ns3::HtFrameExchangeManager::SendBlockAck(), and ns3::FrameExchangeManager::SendNormalAck().

+ Here is the caller graph for this function:

◆ IsStrictlyPositive()

◆ IsZero()

bool ns3::Time::IsZero ( ) const

Exactly equivalent to t == 0.

true if the time is zero, false otherwise.

Definition at line 315 of file nstime.h.

References m_data.

Referenced by ns3::InterferenceHelper::CalculateChunkSuccessRate(), ns3::InterferenceHelper::CalculatePayloadChunkSuccessRate(), ns3::ThreeGppChannelModel::ChannelParamsNeedsUpdate(), EmlsrDlTxopTest::CheckBlockAck(), EmlsrDlTxopTest::CheckQosFrames(), EmlsrUlTxopTest::CheckRtsFrames(), WifiPrimaryChannelsTest::DoSendHeTbPpdu(), ns3::EhtFrameExchangeManager::EmlsrSwitchToListening(), ns3::TcpWestwoodPlus::EstimateBW(), ns3::ThreeGppChannelConditionModel::GetChannelCondition(), ns3::QosFrameExchangeManager::GetCtsToSelfDurationId(), ns3::QosFrameExchangeManager::GetFrameDurationId(), ns3::ApWifiMac::GetMuEdcaParameterSet(), ns3::HeFrameExchangeManager::GetMuRtsDurationId(), ns3::HtFrameExchangeManager::GetPsduDurationId(), ns3::QosFrameExchangeManager::GetRtsDurationId(), ns3::lrwpan::LrWpanMac::PdDataConfirm(), ns3::TcpWestwoodPlus::PktsAcked(), ns3::TcpIllinois::PktsAcked(), ns3::TcpLp::PktsAcked(), ns3::TcpVegas::PktsAcked(), ns3::TcpVeno::PktsAcked(), ns3::TcpYeah::PktsAcked(), ns3::ThreeGppHttpClient::ReceiveEmbeddedObject(), ns3::ofi::LearningController::ReceiveFromSwitch(), ns3::ThreeGppHttpClient::ReceiveMainObject(), ns3::PhyEntity::ScheduleEndOfMpdus(), ns3::PacketSocketClient::Send(), EmlsrDlTxopTest::StartTraffic(), ns3::QosFrameExchangeManager::StartTransmission(), ns3::UanPdp::SumTapsFromMaxC(), ns3::UanPdp::SumTapsFromMaxNc(), ns3::WifiPhyStateHelper::SwitchToChannelSwitching(), ns3::HtFrameExchangeManager::TransmissionSucceeded(), ns3::RrMultiUserScheduler::TrySendingBasicTf(), and ns3::TcpBbr::UpdateBottleneckBandwidth().

+ Here is the caller graph for this function:

◆ Mark()

void ns3::Time::Mark ( Time *const  time)

Record a Time instance with the MarkedTimes.

[in]timeThe Time instance to record.

Definition at line 325 of file time.cc.

References ns3::g_markingMutex, g_markingTimes, NS_ASSERT, NS_LOG_FUNCTION, NS_LOG_LOGIC, and NS_LOG_WARN.

Referenced by Time().

+ Here is the caller graph for this function:

◆ Max()

static Time ns3::Time::Max ( )

Maximum representable Time Not to be confused with Max(Time,Time).

the maximum representable Time.

Definition at line 297 of file nstime.h.

References Time().

Referenced by ns3::FqCobaltQueueDisc::CheckConfig(), ns3::FqCoDelQueueDisc::CheckConfig(), ns3::FqPieQueueDisc::CheckConfig(), ns3::TcpBbr::CongestionStateSet(), ns3::WifiMacQueue::DoEnqueue(), ns3::PieQueueDisc::DoEnqueue(), FqCobaltQueueDiscEcnMarking::DoRun(), CobaltQueueDiscBasicEnqueueDequeue::DoRun(), CobaltQueueDiscMarkTest::DoRun(), CobaltQueueDiscCeThresholdTest::DoRun(), CobaltQueueDiscEnhancedBlueTest::DoRun(), ns3::TcpVegas::EnableVegas(), ns3::TcpVeno::EnableVeno(), ns3::TcpYeah::EnableYeah(), ns3::lorawan::EndDeviceLorawanMac::GetNextTransmissionDelay(), ns3::TcpHtcp::GetSsThresh(), ns3::ArpCache::Entry::GetTimeout(), ns3::CobaltQueueDisc::GetTypeId(), ns3::CoDelQueueDisc::GetTypeId(), ns3::FqCobaltQueueDisc::GetTypeId(), ns3::FqCoDelQueueDisc::GetTypeId(), ns3::FqPieQueueDisc::GetTypeId(), ns3::PieQueueDisc::GetTypeId(), ns3::TcpVegas::IncreaseWindow(), ns3::TcpVeno::IncreaseWindow(), ns3::TcpYeah::IncreaseWindow(), ns3::TcpBbr::InFlight(), ns3::TcpBbr::InitPacingRate(), ns3::lorawan::LoraPacketTracker::MacTransmissionCallback(), ns3::MakeTimeChecker(), CobaltQueueDiscDropTest::RunDropTest(), ns3::TcpBbr::SetPacingRate(), TcpRateLinuxBasicTest::SkbDelivered(), and ns3::TcpRateLinux::SkbDelivered().

+ Here is the call graph for this function:
+ Here is the caller graph for this function:

◆ Min()

◆ operator=()

Time & ns3::Time::operator= ( const Time o)

Assignment operator.

[in]oTime to assign.
The Time.

Definition at line 131 of file nstime.h.

References m_data.

◆ PeekInformation()

static Information * ns3::Time::PeekInformation ( Unit  timeUnit)

Get the Information record for timeUnit for the current Resolution.

[in]timeUnitThe Unit to get Information for
The Information for timeUnit

Definition at line 667 of file nstime.h.

References ns3::Time::Resolution::info, and PeekResolution().

Referenced by From(), FromInteger(), To(), and ToInteger().

+ Here is the call graph for this function:
+ Here is the caller graph for this function:

◆ PeekResolution()

static Resolution * ns3::Time::PeekResolution ( )

Get the current Resolution.

A pointer to the current Resolution

Definition at line 655 of file nstime.h.

References SetDefaultNsResolution().

Referenced by GetResolution(), PeekInformation(), and SetResolution().

+ Here is the call graph for this function:
+ Here is the caller graph for this function:

◆ RoundTo()

Time ns3::Time::RoundTo ( Unit  unit) const

Round a Time to a specific unit.

Rounding is to nearest integer.

[in]unitThe unit to round to.
The Time rounded to the specific unit.

Definition at line 604 of file nstime.h.

References From(), and To().

Referenced by ns3::UanHeaderRcData::Serialize(), ns3::UanHeaderRcRts::Serialize(), ns3::UanHeaderRcCtsGlobal::Serialize(), and ns3::UanHeaderRcCts::Serialize().

+ Here is the call graph for this function:
+ Here is the caller graph for this function:

◆ SetDefaultNsResolution()

Time::Resolution & ns3::Time::SetDefaultNsResolution ( )

Set the default resolution.

The Resolution object for the default resolution.

Definition at line 203 of file time.cc.

References NS, NS_LOG_FUNCTION_NOARGS, and SetResolution().

Referenced by PeekResolution().

+ Here is the call graph for this function:
+ Here is the caller graph for this function:

◆ SetResolution() [1/2]

void ns3::Time::SetResolution ( Unit  resolution)
[in]resolutionThe new resolution to use

Change the global resolution used to convert all user-provided time values in Time objects and Time objects in user-expected time units.

Definition at line 213 of file time.cc.

References NS_LOG_FUNCTION, PeekResolution(), and SetResolution().

Referenced by AttributeTestCase< T >::DoRun(), TimeSimpleTestCase::DoRun(), DataRateTestCase1::DoRun(), SetDefaultNsResolution(), and SetResolution().

+ Here is the call graph for this function:
+ Here is the caller graph for this function:

◆ SetResolution() [2/2]

void ns3::Time::SetResolution ( Unit  unit,
Resolution resolution,
const bool  convert = true 

Set the current Resolution.

[in]unitThe unit to use as the new resolution.
[in,out]resolutionThe Resolution record to update.
[in]convertWhether to convert existing Time objects to the new resolution.

Definition at line 221 of file time.cc.

References ConvertTimes(), ns3::Time::Information::factor, ns3::Time::Information::fromMul, ns3::Time::Resolution::info, ns3::int64x64_t::Invert(), ns3::Time::Information::isValid, LAST, NS_ASSERT, NS_LOG_DEBUG, NS_LOG_FUNCTION, ns3::Time::Information::timeFrom, ns3::Time::Information::timeTo, ns3::Time::Information::toMul, and ns3::Time::Resolution::unit.

+ Here is the call graph for this function:

◆ StaticInit()

bool ns3::Time::StaticInit ( )

Function to force static initialization of Time.

true on the first call

Definition at line 97 of file time.cc.

References ns3::g_markingMutex, g_markingTimes, and NS_LOG_ERROR.

Referenced by ns3::TimeInitializationHelper::TimeInitializationHelper().

+ Here is the caller graph for this function:

◆ To()

int64x64_t ns3::Time::To ( Unit  unit) const

Get the Time value expressed in a particular unit.

[in]unitThe desired unit
The Time expressed in unit

Definition at line 578 of file nstime.h.

References ns3::Time::Information::isValid, m_data, ns3::int64x64_t::MulByInvert(), NS_ASSERT_MSG, PeekInformation(), ns3::Time::Information::timeTo, and ns3::Time::Information::toMul.

Referenced by RoundTo(), and ToDouble().

+ Here is the call graph for this function:
+ Here is the caller graph for this function:

◆ ToDouble()

double ns3::Time::ToDouble ( Unit  unit) const

Get the Time value expressed in a particular unit.

[in]unitThe desired unit
The Time expressed in unit

Definition at line 573 of file nstime.h.

References ns3::int64x64_t::GetDouble(), and To().

Referenced by ns3::RttMeanDeviation::FloatingPointUpdate(), GetDays(), GetHours(), GetMinutes(), GetSeconds(), GetYears(), Ipv4DeduplicationTest::MakeName(), SojournTimeTrace(), and ns3::RrMultiUserScheduler::UpdateCredits().

+ Here is the call graph for this function:
+ Here is the caller graph for this function:

◆ ToInteger()

int64_t ns3::Time::ToInteger ( Unit  unit) const

Get the Time value expressed in a particular unit.

[in]unitThe desired unit
The Time expressed in unit

Definition at line 555 of file nstime.h.

References ns3::Time::Information::factor, ns3::Time::Information::isValid, m_data, NS_ASSERT_MSG, PeekInformation(), and ns3::Time::Information::toMul.

Referenced by ConvertTimes(), GetFemtoSeconds(), GetMicroSeconds(), GetMilliSeconds(), GetNanoSeconds(), and GetPicoSeconds().

+ Here is the call graph for this function:
+ Here is the caller graph for this function:

Friends And Related Function Documentation

◆ Abs

Time Abs ( const Time time)

Absolute value for Time.

[in]timeThe Time value
The absolute value of the input.

Definition at line 1191 of file nstime.h.

◆ Div

int64_t Div ( const Time lhs,
const Time rhs 

Integer quotient from dividing two Times.

This is the same as the "normal" C++ integer division, which truncates (discarding any remainder).

As usual, if ta, and tb are both Times

ta == tb * Div (ta, tb) + Rem (ta, tb);
ta == tb * (ta / tb).GetHigh() + ta % tb;
friend Time Rem(const Time &lhs, const Time &rhs)
Addition operator for Time.
Definition: nstime.h:1126
friend int64_t Div(const Time &lhs, const Time &rhs)
Integer quotient from dividing two Times.
Definition: nstime.h:1154
[in]lhsThe first value
[in]rhsThe second value
The integer portion of lhs / rhs.
See also

Definition at line 1154 of file nstime.h.

◆ Max

Time Max ( const Time timeA,
const Time timeB 

Maximum of two Times.

[in]timeAThe first value
[in]timeBThe second value
The larger of the two operands.

Definition at line 1203 of file nstime.h.

◆ Min

Time Min ( const Time timeA,
const Time timeB 

Minimum of two Times.

[in]timeAThe first value
[in]timeBThe second value
The smaller of the two operands.

Definition at line 1215 of file nstime.h.

◆ operator!=

bool operator!= ( const Time lhs,
const Time rhs 

Inequality operator for Time.

[in]lhsThe first value
[in]rhsThe second value
true if the two input values not are equal.

Definition at line 862 of file nstime.h.

◆ operator%

Time operator% ( const Time lhs,
const Time rhs 

Remainder (modulus) from the quotient of two Times.

Rem() and operator% are equivalent:

Rem (ta, tb)  ==  ta % tb;
See also
[in]lhsThe first time value
[in]rhsThe second time value
The remainder of lhs / rhs.

Definition at line 1120 of file nstime.h.

◆ operator* [1/5]

Time operator* ( const int64x64_t lhs,
const Time rhs 

Scale a Time by a numeric value.

[in]lhsThe first value
[in]rhsThe second value
The Time scaled by the other operand.

Definition at line 989 of file nstime.h.

◆ operator* [2/5]

Time operator* ( const Time lhs,
const int64x64_t rhs 

Scale a Time by a numeric value.

[in]lhsThe first value
[in]rhsThe second value
The Time scaled by the other operand.

Definition at line 975 of file nstime.h.

◆ operator* [3/5]

template<class T >
std::enable_if_t< std::is_integral_v< T >, Time > operator* ( const Time lhs,

Scale a Time by an integer value.

Template Parameters
TInteger data type (int, long, etc.)
[in]lhsThe Time instance to scale
[in]rhsThe scale value
A new Time instance containing the scaled value

Definition at line 1005 of file nstime.h.

◆ operator* [4/5]

template<class T >
std::enable_if_t< std::is_floating_point_v< T >, Time > operator* ( const Time lhs,

Scale a Time by an integer value.

Template Parameters
TInteger data type (int, long, etc.)
[in]lhsThe Time instance to scale
[in]rhsThe scale value
A new Time instance containing the scaled value

Definition at line 1005 of file nstime.h.

◆ operator* [5/5]

template<class T >
std::enable_if_t< std::is_arithmetic_v< T >, Time > operator* ( lhs,
const Time rhs 

Scale a Time by a numeric value.

This overload handles the case where the scale value comes before the Time value. It swaps the arguments so that the Time argument comes first and calls the appropriate overload of operator*

Template Parameters
TArithmetic data type (int, long, float, etc.)
[in]lhsThe scale value
[in]rhsThe Time instance to scale
A new Time instance containing the scaled value

Definition at line 1035 of file nstime.h.

◆ operator+

Time operator+ ( const Time lhs,
const Time rhs 

Addition operator for Time.

[in]lhsThe first value
[in]rhsThe second value
The sum of the two input values.

Definition at line 951 of file nstime.h.

◆ operator+=

Time & operator+= ( Time lhs,
const Time rhs 

Compound addition assignment for Time.

[in]lhsThe first value
[in]rhsThe second value
The sum of the two inputs.

Definition at line 1166 of file nstime.h.

◆ operator-

Time operator- ( const Time lhs,
const Time rhs 

Subtraction operator for Time.

[in]lhsThe first value
[in]rhsThe second value
The difference of the two input values.

Definition at line 963 of file nstime.h.

◆ operator-=

Time & operator-= ( Time lhs,
const Time rhs 

Compound subtraction assignment for Time.

[in]lhsThe first value
[in]rhsThe second value
The difference of the two operands.

Definition at line 1179 of file nstime.h.

◆ operator/ [1/4]

Time operator/ ( const Time lhs,
const int64x64_t rhs 

Scale a Time by a numeric value.

[in]lhsThe first value
[in]rhsThe second value
The Time divided by the scalar operand.

Definition at line 1073 of file nstime.h.

◆ operator/ [2/4]

int64x64_t operator/ ( const Time lhs,
const Time rhs 

Exact division, returning a dimensionless fixed point number.

This can be truncated to integer, or converted to double (with loss of precision). Assuming ta and tb are Times:

int64x64_t ratio = ta / tb;
int64_t i = ratio.GetHigh (); // Get just the integer part, resulting in truncation
double ratioD = double (ratio); // Convert to double, with loss of precision
High precision numerical type, implementing Q64.64 fixed precision.
Definition: int64x64-128.h:56
int64_t GetHigh() const
Get the integer portion.
Definition: int64x64-128.h:255
[in]lhsThe first value
[in]rhsThe second value
The exact ratio of the two operands.

Definition at line 1059 of file nstime.h.

◆ operator/ [3/4]

template<class T >
std::enable_if_t< std::is_integral_v< T >, Time > operator/ ( const Time lhs,

Divide a Time by an integer value.

Template Parameters
TInteger data type (int, long, etc.)
[in]lhsThe Time instance to scale
[in]rhsThe scale value
A new Time instance containing the scaled value

Definition at line 1091 of file nstime.h.

◆ operator/ [4/4]

template<class T >
std::enable_if_t< std::is_floating_point_v< T >, Time > operator/ ( const Time lhs,

Divide a Time by an integer value.

Template Parameters
TInteger data type (int, long, etc.)
[in]lhsThe Time instance to scale
[in]rhsThe scale value
A new Time instance containing the scaled value

Definition at line 1091 of file nstime.h.

◆ operator< [1/2]

bool operator< ( const Time lhs,
const Time rhs 

Less than operator for Time.

[in]lhsThe first value
[in]rhsThe second value
true if the first input value is less than the second input value.

Definition at line 897 of file nstime.h.

◆ operator< [2/2]

bool operator< ( const Time time,
const EventId event 

Compare a Time to an EventId.

This is useful when you have cached a previously scheduled event:

m_event = Schedule (...);

and later you want to know the relationship between that event and some other Time when:

if (when < m_event) ...
[in]timeThe Time operand.
[in]eventThe EventId
true if time is before (less than) the time stamp of the EventId.

Definition at line 932 of file nstime.h.

◆ operator<=

bool operator<= ( const Time lhs,
const Time rhs 

Less than or equal operator for Time.

[in]lhsThe first value
[in]rhsThe second value
true if the first input value is less than or equal to the second input value.

Definition at line 873 of file nstime.h.

◆ operator==

bool operator== ( const Time lhs,
const Time rhs 

Equality operator for Time.

[in]lhsThe first value
[in]rhsThe second value
true if the two input values are equal.

Definition at line 850 of file nstime.h.

◆ operator>

bool operator> ( const Time lhs,
const Time rhs 

Greater than operator for Time.

[in]lhsThe first value
[in]rhsThe second value
true if the first input value is greater than the second input value.

Definition at line 910 of file nstime.h.

◆ operator>=

bool operator>= ( const Time lhs,
const Time rhs 

Greater than or equal operator for Time.

[in]lhsThe first value
[in]rhsThe second value
true if the first input value is greater than or equal to the second input value.

Definition at line 886 of file nstime.h.

◆ Rem

Time Rem ( const Time lhs,
const Time rhs 

Addition operator for Time.

[in]lhsThe first value
[in]rhsThe second value
The sum of the two input values.

Definition at line 1126 of file nstime.h.

◆ TimeStep()

Time TimeStep ( uint64_t  ts)

Scheduler interface.

This is internal to the Time implementation.
[in]tsThe time value, in the current unit.
A Time.

Definition at line 1401 of file nstime.h.

Member Data Documentation

◆ g_markingTimes

Time::MarkedTimes * ns3::Time::g_markingTimes = nullptr

Record of outstanding Time objects which will need conversion when the resolution is set.


Use a classic static variable so we can check in Time ctors without a function call.

We'd really like to initialize this here, but we don't want to require C++0x, so we init in time.cc. To ensure that happens before first use, we add a call to StaticInit (below) to every compilation unit which includes nstime.h.

Definition at line 722 of file nstime.h.

Referenced by Time(), ~Time(), Clear(), ClearMarkedTimes(), ConvertTimes(), Mark(), and StaticInit().

◆ m_data

int64_t ns3::Time::m_data

Virtual time value, in the current unit.

Definition at line 826 of file nstime.h.

Referenced by Compare(), ConvertTimes(), GetDouble(), GetTimeStep(), IsNegative(), IsPositive(), IsStrictlyNegative(), IsStrictlyPositive(), IsZero(), operator=(), To(), and ToInteger().

The documentation for this class was generated from the following files: