Command Line Interface

SEM offers a command line tool that can be used to run simulations, quickly scroll the results to make sure everything looks ok and finally exporting the results to the MATLAB .mat and Numpy .npy formats for further elaboration by the user.

This documentation page describes a workflow that does not require writing a Python script and only relies on the command line interface.

Getting help

SEM’s command line tool is simply called sem. To see usage information, call the program with the –help flag:

sem --help

Usage: sem [OPTIONS] COMMAND [ARGS]...

  A command line interface to the ns-3 Simulation Execution Manager.

  --help  Show this message and exit.

  command  Print the commands to debug a result.
  export   Export results to file.
  run      Run simulations.
  view     View results of simulations.

The following sections describe each sub-command in detail.

Running simulations

Simulations can be run through the run sub-command. To visualize information about a command, call it with the –help flag:

sem run --help

Usage: sem run [OPTIONS]

  Run simulations.

  --ns-3-path PATH    Path to ns-3 installation
  --results-dir PATH  Path to directory where results are saved
  --script TEXT       Simulation script to run
  --no-optimization   Whether to avoid optimization of the build
  --help              Show this message and exit.

A choice for the required options will be prompted if they are not specified:

sem run
ns-3 installation: examples/ns-3
Results directory: examples/results
Simulation script: wifi-multi-tos
--- Campaign info ---
script: wifi-multi-tos
params: ['channelWidth', 'distance', 'mcs', 'nWifi', 'simulationTime', 'useRts', 'useShortGuardInterval']
HEAD: c19d291f35f2a394d03c3fc7c74377b65666e1a4

After the ns-3 installation path, a directory where to save (or load, in case the directory already exists) results and the simulation script to run simulations with are specified by the user, the program asks for the parameter values that need to be used to run the simulations. These can either be specified as single values (with string enclosed by quotation marks) or as lists, in the [value1, value2, value3] format:

channelWidth: 20
distance: 5
mcs: [1, 3, 5, 7]
nWifi: 1
simulationTime: 10
useRts: [False, True]
useShortGuardInterval: [False, True]
Runs: 5
Running simulations: 100%|████████| 80/80 [02:43<00:00,  2.05s/simulation]

Note that SEM performed 80 simulations: this is indeed correct, since we specified 3 parameters with multiple values (respectively, mcs with 4 possible values, useRts with 2 and useShortGuardInterval with 2 possible values). The exploration of this parameter space requires us to perform 4 * 2 * 2 = 16 simulations. If, then, we are interested in 5 repetitions for each parameter combination, this means we need 16 * 5 = 80 simulations.

At this point, say we realize we also interested in the effect of the nWifi variable, and additionally to the already used parameter value of 1 we are also interested in seeing what happens when the value is 5: it will suffice to run sem run again with the same parameters as before, and the previously ran simulations will be loaded and taken into account when the new parameter space is defined. This will lead to another batch of 80 simulations instead of the 160 that would be necessary to cover the entire parameter space, since we have already performed the 80 that correspond to the parameter value of 1. Additionally, sem will detect the already available results in the database, and propose defaults (which can be accepted by pressing enter):

sem run
channelWidth [[20]]:
distance [[5]]:
mcs [[1, 3, 5, 7]]:
nWifi [[1]]: [1, 5]
simulationTime [[10]]:
useRts [[False, True]]:
useShortGuardInterval [[False, True]]:
Runs: 5
Running simulations: 100%|████████| 80/80 [04:55<00:00,  3.69s/simulation]

Viewing results

At this point, we have a nice set of results in our database. Let’s say we want to view them in order to make sure everything is working as expected. To do so, it’s possible to use the view command:

sem view --help

Usage: sem view [OPTIONS]

  View results of simulations.

  --results-dir PATH        Directory containing the simulation results.
  --result-id TEXT          Id of the result to view
  --hide-simulation-output  Whether to hide the simulation output
  --help                    Show this message and exit.

Note that, by default, the simulation output is hidden to avoid printing very long files to the command line. In our case, we will enable this option since our output is fairly small. Let’s also directly specify the –results-dir to skip the option querying step:

sem view --show-simulation-output --results-dir=examples/results

channelWidth [[20]]:
distance [[5]]:
mcs [[1, 3, 5, 7]]: 1
nWifi [[1, 5]]: 1
simulationTime [[10]]:
useRts [[False, True]]: False
useShortGuardInterval [[False, True]]: False

{'meta': {'elapsed_time': 6.632506847381592,
          'id': 'fb1bd9be-b034-4f36-9562-07aa7988a266'},
'output': {'stderr': '', 'stdout': 'Aggregated throughput: 18.9311 Mbit/s\n'},
'params': {'RngRun': 0,
            'channelWidth': 20,
            'distance': 5,
            'mcs': 1,
            'nWifi': 1,
            'simulationTime': 10,
            'useRts': False,
            'useShortGuardInterval': False}}

Note that, as before, we are asked for the parameter ranges we are interested in viewing. Since we’ve specified a single value for each parameter, the output consisted in 5 results (of which only one is shown here), that are visualized as printouts of python dictionaries for inspection. We can see that for the specified parameter combination, two output files were created, and that the script printed on the stdout that an aggregated throughput of 18.9311 Mbit/s was achieved.

Getting commands to re-run simulations

In the previous section, we were able to view one of the obtained results. Let’s say we are interested in replicating that simulation, maybe to debug it. Serving this purpose, sem command prints out the command that is necessary to run in order to replicate a simulation result:

sem command --help

Usage: sem command [OPTIONS] RESULT_ID

  Print the commands to debug a result.

  --results-dir PATH  Directory containing the simulation results.
  --help              Show this message and exit.

This sub-command requires the id of the simulation that we want to replicate. Let’s take the one of the previously viewed result:

sem command --results-dir examples/results fb1bd9be-b034-4f36-9562-07aa7988a266

Simulation command:
./waf --run "wifi-multi-tos --mcs=1 --RngRun=0 --useRts=False
                            --channelWidth=20 --useShortGuardInterval=False
                            --simulationTime=10 --nWifi=1 --distance=5"
Debug command:
./waf --run wifi-multi-tos --command-template="gdb --args %s --mcs=1
                           --RngRun=0 --useRts=False --channelWidth=20
                           --useShortGuardInterval=False --simulationTime=10
                           --nWifi=1 --distance=5"

Two commands are printed: one for running the simulation, and the other for running the simulation under the gdb debugger. Let’s copy and paste the first command, and run it from the ns-3 directory root:

./waf --run "wifi-multi-tos --mcs=1 --RngRun=0 --useRts=False
                            --channelWidth=20 --useShortGuardInterval=False
                            --simulationTime=10 --nWifi=1 --distance=5"

Waf: Entering directory `/Users/davide/Work/sem/examples/ns-3/build/optimized'
Waf: Leaving directory `/Users/davide/Work/sem/examples/ns-3/build/optimized'
Build commands will be stored in build/optimized/compile_commands.json
'build' finished successfully (1.352s)
Aggregated throughput: 18.9311 Mbit/s

From the aggregated throughput value, we can confirm that this indeed is the command that generated that result.

Exporting results

One final step we can take now is to export the results into a format that can be read from MATLAB, for instance. For this, we can use the export command:

sem export --help

Usage: sem export [OPTIONS] FILENAME

  Export results to file.

  An extension in filename is required to deduce the file type. This command
  automatically tries to parse the simulation output.

  Supported extensions:

  .mat (Matlab file), .npy (Numpy file)

  --results-dir PATH    Directory containing the simulation results.
  --do-not-try-parsing  Whether to try and automatically parse contents of
                        simulation output.
  --help                Show this message and exit.

This command will try to automatically parse all results into a data structure, recognizing numbers and strings as necessary. However, since our output (as can be seen in the Viewing results section) is not formatted as a table, let’s switch parsing off. This will keep the output as a string, that can then be processed, e.g. in MATLAB, to extract the relevant information:

sem export --do-not-try-parsing --results-dir examples/results results.mat
channelWidth [[20]]:
distance [[5]]:
mcs [[1, 3, 5, 7]]:
nWifi [[1, 5]]:
simulationTime [[10]]:
useRts [[False, True]]:
useShortGuardInterval [[False, True]]:
Runs to export: 5

This will create a results.mat file, containing two data structures:

  • An n-dimensional (with n=4 in this case) cell array, containing a struct linking each file to its parsed or non-parsed version

  • A list of n structures, describing the values that can be taken by each parameter that the n-dimensional structure represents.