A Discrete-Event Network Simulator
No Matches
Go to the documentation of this file.
2 * Copyright (c) 2005,2006,2007 INRIA
3 *
4 * This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify
5 * it under the terms of the GNU General Public License version 2 as
6 * published by the Free Software Foundation;
7 *
8 * This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
9 * but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
11 * GNU General Public License for more details.
12 *
13 * You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License
14 * along with this program; if not, write to the Free Software
15 * Foundation, Inc., 59 Temple Place, Suite 330, Boston, MA 02111-1307 USA
16 *
17 * Author: Mathieu Lacage <mathieu.lacage@sophia.inria.fr>
18 */
23#include "qos-utils.h"
24#include "wifi-mode.h"
26#include "wifi-utils.h"
28#include "ns3/data-rate.h"
29#include "ns3/eht-capabilities.h"
30#include "ns3/he-6ghz-band-capabilities.h"
31#include "ns3/he-capabilities.h"
32#include "ns3/ht-capabilities.h"
33#include "ns3/mac48-address.h"
34#include "ns3/multi-link-element.h"
35#include "ns3/object.h"
36#include "ns3/traced-callback.h"
37#include "ns3/vht-capabilities.h"
39#include <array>
40#include <memory>
41#include <optional>
42#include <unordered_map>
44namespace ns3
47class WifiPhy;
48class WifiMac;
49class WifiMacHeader;
50class Packet;
51class WifiMpdu;
52class WifiTxVector;
53class WifiTxParameters;
55struct WifiRemoteStationState;
56struct RxSignalInfo;
59 * \brief hold per-remote-station state.
60 *
61 * The state in this class is used to keep track
62 * of association status if we are in an infrastructure
63 * network and to perform the selection of TX parameters
64 * on a per-packet basis.
65 *
66 * This class is typically subclassed and extended by
67 * rate control implementations
68 */
71 virtual ~WifiRemoteStation(){};
72 WifiRemoteStationState* m_state; //!< Remote station state
73 std::pair<double, Time>
74 m_rssiAndUpdateTimePair; //!< RSSI (in dBm) of the most recent packet received from the
75 //!< remote station along with update time
79 * A struct that holds information about each remote station.
80 */
83 /**
84 * State of the station
85 */
86 enum
87 {
95 /**
96 * This member is the list of WifiMode objects that comprise the
97 * OperationalRateSet parameter for this remote station. This list
98 * is constructed through calls to
99 * WifiRemoteStationManager::AddSupportedMode(), and an API that
100 * allows external access to it is available through
101 * WifiRemoteStationManager::GetNSupported() and
102 * WifiRemoteStationManager::GetSupported().
103 */
104 WifiModeList m_operationalRateSet; //!< operational rate set
105 WifiModeList m_operationalMcsSet; //!< operational MCS set
106 Mac48Address m_address; //!< Mac48Address of the remote station
107 uint16_t m_aid; /**< AID of the remote station (unused if this object
108 is installed on a non-AP station) */
109 WifiRemoteStationInfo m_info; //!< remote station info
110 bool m_dsssSupported; //!< Flag if DSSS is supported by the remote station
111 bool m_erpOfdmSupported; //!< Flag if ERP OFDM is supported by the remote station
112 bool m_ofdmSupported; //!< Flag if OFDM is supported by the remote station
113 Ptr<const HtCapabilities> m_htCapabilities; //!< remote station HT capabilities
114 Ptr<const VhtCapabilities> m_vhtCapabilities; //!< remote station VHT capabilities
115 Ptr<const HeCapabilities> m_heCapabilities; //!< remote station HE capabilities
117 m_he6GhzBandCapabilities; //!< remote station HE 6GHz band capabilities
118 Ptr<const EhtCapabilities> m_ehtCapabilities; //!< remote station EHT capabilities
119 /// remote station Multi-Link Element Common Info
120 std::shared_ptr<CommonInfoBasicMle> m_mleCommonInfo;
121 bool m_emlsrEnabled; //!< whether EMLSR mode is enabled on this link
123 uint16_t m_channelWidth; //!< Channel width (in MHz) supported by the remote station
124 uint16_t m_guardInterval; //!< HE Guard interval duration (in nanoseconds) supported by the
125 //!< remote station
126 uint8_t m_ness; //!< Number of extended spatial streams of the remote station
127 bool m_aggregation; //!< Flag if MPDU aggregation is used by the remote station
128 bool m_shortPreamble; //!< Flag if short PHY preamble is supported by the remote station
129 bool m_shortSlotTime; //!< Flag if short ERP slot time is supported by the remote station
130 bool m_qosSupported; //!< Flag if QoS is supported by the station
131 bool m_isInPsMode; //!< Flag if the STA is currently in PS mode
135 * \ingroup wifi
136 * \brief hold a list of per-remote-station state.
137 *
138 * \sa ns3::WifiRemoteStation.
139 */
142 public:
143 /**
144 * \brief Get the type ID.
145 * \return the object TypeId
146 */
147 static TypeId GetTypeId();
150 ~WifiRemoteStationManager() override;
152 /// ProtectionMode enumeration
154 {
157 };
159 /**
160 * A map of WifiRemoteStations with Mac48Address as key
161 */
162 using Stations = std::unordered_map<Mac48Address, WifiRemoteStation*, WifiAddressHash>;
163 /**
164 * A map of WifiRemoteStationStates with Mac48Address as key
165 */
167 std::unordered_map<Mac48Address, std::shared_ptr<WifiRemoteStationState>, WifiAddressHash>;
169 /**
170 * Set up PHY associated with this device since it is the object that
171 * knows the full set of transmit rates that are supported.
172 *
173 * \param phy the PHY of this device
174 */
175 virtual void SetupPhy(const Ptr<WifiPhy> phy);
176 /**
177 * Set up MAC associated with this device since it is the object that
178 * knows the full set of timing parameters (e.g. IFS).
179 *
180 * \param mac the MAC of this device
181 */
182 virtual void SetupMac(const Ptr<WifiMac> mac);
184 /**
185 * Assign a fixed random variable stream number to the random variables
186 * used by this model. Return the number of streams (possibly zero) that
187 * have been assigned.
188 *
189 * \param stream first stream index to use
190 * \return the number of stream indices assigned by this model
191 */
192 virtual int64_t AssignStreams(int64_t stream);
194 /**
195 * Sets the maximum STA short retry count (SSRC).
196 *
197 * \param maxSsrc the maximum SSRC
198 */
199 void SetMaxSsrc(uint32_t maxSsrc);
200 /**
201 * Sets the maximum STA long retry count (SLRC).
202 *
203 * \param maxSlrc the maximum SLRC
204 */
205 void SetMaxSlrc(uint32_t maxSlrc);
206 /**
207 * Sets the RTS threshold.
208 *
209 * \param threshold the RTS threshold
210 */
211 void SetRtsCtsThreshold(uint32_t threshold);
213 /**
214 * Return the fragmentation threshold.
215 *
216 * \return the fragmentation threshold
217 */
219 /**
220 * Sets a fragmentation threshold. The method calls a private method
221 * DoSetFragmentationThreshold that checks the validity of the value given.
222 *
223 * \param threshold the fragmentation threshold
224 */
225 void SetFragmentationThreshold(uint32_t threshold);
227 /**
228 * Record the AID of a remote station. Should only be called by APs.
229 *
230 * \param remoteAddress the MAC address of the remote station
231 * \param aid the Association ID
232 */
233 void SetAssociationId(Mac48Address remoteAddress, uint16_t aid);
234 /**
235 * Records QoS support of the remote station.
236 *
237 * \param from the address of the station being recorded
238 * \param qosSupported whether the station supports QoS
239 */
240 void SetQosSupport(Mac48Address from, bool qosSupported);
241 /**
242 * \param from the address of the station being recorded
243 * \param emlsrEnabled whether EMLSR mode is enabled for the station on this link
244 */
245 void SetEmlsrEnabled(const Mac48Address& from, bool emlsrEnabled);
246 /**
247 * Records HT capabilities of the remote station.
248 *
249 * \param from the address of the station being recorded
250 * \param htCapabilities the HT capabilities of the station
251 */
252 void AddStationHtCapabilities(Mac48Address from, HtCapabilities htCapabilities);
253 /**
254 * Records VHT capabilities of the remote station.
255 *
256 * \param from the address of the station being recorded
257 * \param vhtCapabilities the VHT capabilities of the station
258 */
259 void AddStationVhtCapabilities(Mac48Address from, VhtCapabilities vhtCapabilities);
260 /**
261 * Records HE capabilities of the remote station.
262 *
263 * \param from the address of the station being recorded
264 * \param heCapabilities the HE capabilities of the station
265 */
266 void AddStationHeCapabilities(Mac48Address from, HeCapabilities heCapabilities);
267 /**
268 * Records HE 6 GHz Band Capabilities of a remote station
269 *
270 * \param from the address of the remote station
271 * \param he6GhzCapabilities the HE 6 GHz Band Capabilities of the remote station
272 */
274 const He6GhzBandCapabilities& he6GhzCapabilities);
275 /**
276 * Records EHT capabilities of the remote station.
277 *
278 * \param from the address of the station being recorded
279 * \param ehtCapabilities the EHT capabilities of the station
280 */
281 void AddStationEhtCapabilities(Mac48Address from, EhtCapabilities ehtCapabilities);
282 /**
283 * Records the Common Info field advertised by the given remote station in a Multi-Link
284 * Element. It includes the MLD address of the remote station.
285 *
286 * \param from the address of the station being recorded
287 * \param mleCommonInfo the MLE Common Info advertised by the station
288 */
290 const std::shared_ptr<CommonInfoBasicMle>& mleCommonInfo);
291 /**
292 * Return the HT capabilities sent by the remote station.
293 *
294 * \param from the address of the remote station
295 * \return the HT capabilities sent by the remote station
296 */
298 /**
299 * Return the VHT capabilities sent by the remote station.
300 *
301 * \param from the address of the remote station
302 * \return the VHT capabilities sent by the remote station
303 */
305 /**
306 * Return the HE capabilities sent by the remote station.
307 *
308 * \param from the address of the remote station
309 * \return the HE capabilities sent by the remote station
310 */
312 /**
313 * Return the HE 6 GHz Band Capabilities sent by a remote station.
314 *
315 * \param from the address of the remote station
316 * \return the HE 6 GHz Band capabilities sent by the remote station
317 */
319 /**
320 * Return the EHT capabilities sent by the remote station.
321 *
322 * \param from the address of the remote station
323 * \return the EHT capabilities sent by the remote station
324 */
326 /**
327 * \param from the (MLD or link) address of the remote non-AP MLD
328 * \return the EML Capabilities advertised by the remote non-AP MLD
329 */
330 std::optional<std::reference_wrapper<CommonInfoBasicMle::EmlCapabilities>>
332 /**
333 * \param from the (MLD or link) address of the remote non-AP MLD
334 * \return the MLD Capabilities advertised by the remote non-AP MLD
335 */
336 std::optional<std::reference_wrapper<CommonInfoBasicMle::MldCapabilities>>
338 /**
339 * Return whether the device has HT capability support enabled on the link this manager is
340 * associated with. Note that this means that this function returns false if this is a
341 * 6 GHz link.
342 *
343 * \return true if HT capability support is enabled, false otherwise
344 */
345 bool GetHtSupported() const;
346 /**
347 * Return whether the device has VHT capability support enabled on the link this manager is
348 * associated with. Note that this means that this function returns false if this is a
349 * 2.4 or 6 GHz link.
350 *
351 * \return true if VHT capability support is enabled, false otherwise
352 */
353 bool GetVhtSupported() const;
354 /**
355 * Return whether the device has HE capability support enabled.
356 *
357 * \return true if HE capability support is enabled, false otherwise
358 */
359 bool GetHeSupported() const;
360 /**
361 * Return whether the device has EHT capability support enabled.
362 *
363 * \return true if EHT capability support is enabled, false otherwise
364 */
365 bool GetEhtSupported() const;
366 /**
367 * Return whether the device has LDPC support enabled.
368 *
369 * \return true if LDPC support is enabled, false otherwise
370 */
371 bool GetLdpcSupported() const;
372 /**
373 * Return whether the device has SGI support enabled.
374 *
375 * \return true if SGI support is enabled, false otherwise
376 */
378 /**
379 * Return the supported HE guard interval duration (in nanoseconds).
380 *
381 * \return the supported HE guard interval duration (in nanoseconds)
382 */
383 uint16_t GetGuardInterval() const;
384 /**
385 * Enable or disable protection for non-ERP stations.
386 *
387 * \param enable enable or disable protection for non-ERP stations
388 */
389 void SetUseNonErpProtection(bool enable);
390 /**
391 * Return whether the device supports protection of non-ERP stations.
392 *
393 * \return true if protection for non-ERP stations is enabled,
394 * false otherwise
395 */
396 bool GetUseNonErpProtection() const;
397 /**
398 * Enable or disable protection for non-HT stations.
399 *
400 * \param enable enable or disable protection for non-HT stations
401 */
402 void SetUseNonHtProtection(bool enable);
403 /**
404 * Return whether the device supports protection of non-HT stations.
405 *
406 * \return true if protection for non-HT stations is enabled,
407 * false otherwise
408 */
409 bool GetUseNonHtProtection() const;
410 /**
411 * Enable or disable short PHY preambles.
412 *
413 * \param enable enable or disable short PHY preambles
414 */
415 void SetShortPreambleEnabled(bool enable);
416 /**
417 * Return whether the device uses short PHY preambles.
418 *
419 * \return true if short PHY preambles are enabled,
420 * false otherwise
421 */
422 bool GetShortPreambleEnabled() const;
423 /**
424 * Enable or disable short slot time.
425 *
426 * \param enable enable or disable short slot time
427 */
428 void SetShortSlotTimeEnabled(bool enable);
429 /**
430 * Return whether the device uses short slot time.
431 *
432 * \return true if short slot time is enabled,
433 * false otherwise
434 */
435 bool GetShortSlotTimeEnabled() const;
437 /**
438 * Reset the station, invoked in a STA upon dis-association or in an AP upon reboot.
439 */
440 void Reset();
442 /**
443 * Invoked in a STA upon association to store the set of rates which belong to the
444 * BSSBasicRateSet of the associated AP and which are supported locally.
445 * Invoked in an AP to configure the BSSBasicRateSet.
446 *
447 * \param mode the WifiMode to be added to the basic mode set
448 */
449 void AddBasicMode(WifiMode mode);
450 /**
451 * Return the default transmission mode.
452 *
453 * \return WifiMode the default transmission mode
454 */
455 WifiMode GetDefaultMode() const;
456 /**
457 * Return the number of basic modes we support.
458 *
459 * \return the number of basic modes we support
460 */
461 uint8_t GetNBasicModes() const;
462 /**
463 * Return a basic mode from the set of basic modes.
464 *
465 * \param i index of the basic mode in the basic mode set
466 *
467 * \return the basic mode at the given index
468 */
469 WifiMode GetBasicMode(uint8_t i) const;
470 /**
471 * Return the number of non-ERP basic modes we support.
472 *
473 * \return the number of basic modes we support
474 */
476 /**
477 * Return a basic mode from the set of basic modes that is not an ERP mode.
478 *
479 * \param i index of the basic mode in the basic mode set
480 *
481 * \return the basic mode at the given index
482 */
483 WifiMode GetNonErpBasicMode(uint8_t i) const;
484 /**
485 * Return whether the station supports LDPC or not.
486 *
487 * \param address the address of the station
488 *
489 * \return true if LDPC is supported by the station,
490 * false otherwise
491 */
492 bool GetLdpcSupported(Mac48Address address) const;
493 /**
494 * Return whether the station supports short PHY preamble or not.
495 *
496 * \param address the address of the station
497 *
498 * \return true if short PHY preamble is supported by the station,
499 * false otherwise
500 */
501 bool GetShortPreambleSupported(Mac48Address address) const;
502 /**
503 * Return whether the station supports short ERP slot time or not.
504 *
505 * \param address the address of the station
506 *
507 * \return true if short ERP slot time is supported by the station,
508 * false otherwise
509 */
510 bool GetShortSlotTimeSupported(Mac48Address address) const;
511 /**
512 * Return whether the given station is QoS capable.
513 *
514 * \param address the address of the station
515 *
516 * \return true if the station has QoS capabilities,
517 * false otherwise
518 */
519 bool GetQosSupported(Mac48Address address) const;
520 /**
521 * Get the AID of a remote station. Should only be called by APs.
522 *
523 * \param remoteAddress the MAC address of the remote station
524 * \return the Association ID if the station is associated, SU_STA_ID otherwise
525 */
526 uint16_t GetAssociationId(Mac48Address remoteAddress) const;
527 /**
528 * Add a given Modulation and Coding Scheme (MCS) index to
529 * the set of basic MCS.
530 *
531 * \param mcs the WifiMode to be added to the basic MCS set
532 */
533 void AddBasicMcs(WifiMode mcs);
534 /**
535 * Return the default Modulation and Coding Scheme (MCS) index.
536 *
537 * \return the default WifiMode
538 */
539 WifiMode GetDefaultMcs() const;
540 /**
541 * Return the default MCS to use to transmit frames to the given station.
542 *
543 * \param st the given station
544 * \return the default MCS to use to transmit frames to the given station
545 */
547 /**
548 * Return the number of basic MCS index.
549 *
550 * \return the number of basic MCS index
551 */
552 uint8_t GetNBasicMcs() const;
553 /**
554 * Return the MCS at the given <i>list</i> index.
555 *
556 * \param i the position in the list
557 *
558 * \return the basic MCS at the given list index
559 */
560 WifiMode GetBasicMcs(uint8_t i) const;
561 /**
562 * Record the MCS index supported by the station.
563 *
564 * \param address the address of the station
565 * \param mcs the WifiMode supported by the station
566 */
567 void AddSupportedMcs(Mac48Address address, WifiMode mcs);
568 /**
569 * Return the channel width supported by the station.
570 *
571 * \param address the address of the station
572 *
573 * \return the channel width supported by the station
574 */
575 uint16_t GetChannelWidthSupported(Mac48Address address) const;
576 /**
577 * Return whether the station supports HT/VHT short guard interval.
578 *
579 * \param address the address of the station
580 *
581 * \return true if the station supports HT/VHT short guard interval,
582 * false otherwise
583 */
585 /**
586 * Return the number of spatial streams supported by the station.
587 *
588 * \param address the address of the station
589 *
590 * \return the number of spatial streams supported by the station
591 */
592 uint8_t GetNumberOfSupportedStreams(Mac48Address address) const;
593 /**
594 * Return the number of MCS supported by the station.
595 *
596 * \param address the address of the station
597 *
598 * \return the number of MCS supported by the station
599 */
600 uint8_t GetNMcsSupported(Mac48Address address) const;
601 /**
602 * Return whether the station supports DSSS or not.
603 *
604 * \param address the address of the station
605 *
606 * \return true if DSSS is supported by the station,
607 * false otherwise
608 */
609 bool GetDsssSupported(const Mac48Address& address) const;
610 /**
611 * Return whether the station supports ERP OFDM or not.
612 *
613 * \param address the address of the station
614 *
615 * \return true if ERP OFDM is supported by the station,
616 * false otherwise
617 */
618 bool GetErpOfdmSupported(const Mac48Address& address) const;
619 /**
620 * Return whether the station supports OFDM or not.
621 *
622 * \param address the address of the station
623 *
624 * \return true if OFDM is supported by the station,
625 * false otherwise
626 */
627 bool GetOfdmSupported(const Mac48Address& address) const;
628 /**
629 * Return whether the station supports HT or not.
630 *
631 * \param address the address of the station
632 *
633 * \return true if HT is supported by the station,
634 * false otherwise
635 */
636 bool GetHtSupported(Mac48Address address) const;
637 /**
638 * Return whether the station supports VHT or not.
639 *
640 * \param address the address of the station
641 *
642 * \return true if VHT is supported by the station,
643 * false otherwise
644 */
645 bool GetVhtSupported(Mac48Address address) const;
646 /**
647 * Return whether the station supports HE or not.
648 *
649 * \param address the address of the station
650 *
651 * \return true if HE is supported by the station,
652 * false otherwise
653 */
654 bool GetHeSupported(Mac48Address address) const;
655 /**
656 * Return whether the station supports EHT or not.
657 *
658 * \param address the address of the station
659 *
660 * \return true if EHT is supported by the station,
661 * false otherwise
662 */
663 bool GetEhtSupported(Mac48Address address) const;
664 /**
665 * \param address the (MLD or link) address of the non-AP MLD
666 * \return whether the non-AP MLD supports EMLSR
667 */
668 bool GetEmlsrSupported(const Mac48Address& address) const;
669 /**
670 * \param address the (MLD or link) address of the non-AP MLD
671 * \return whether EMLSR mode is enabled for the non-AP MLD on this link
672 */
673 bool GetEmlsrEnabled(const Mac48Address& address) const;
675 /**
676 * Return a mode for non-unicast packets.
677 *
678 * \return WifiMode for non-unicast packets
679 */
682 /**
683 * Invoked in a STA or AP to store the set of
684 * modes supported by a destination which is
685 * also supported locally.
686 * The set of supported modes includes
687 * the BSSBasicRateSet.
688 *
689 * \param address the address of the station being recorded
690 * \param mode the WifiMode supports by the station
691 */
692 void AddSupportedMode(Mac48Address address, WifiMode mode);
693 /**
694 * Invoked in a STA or AP to store all of the modes supported
695 * by a destination which is also supported locally.
696 * The set of supported modes includes the BSSBasicRateSet.
697 *
698 * \param address the address of the station being recorded
699 */
701 /**
702 * Invoked in a STA or AP to store all of the MCS supported
703 * by a destination which is also supported locally.
704 *
705 * \param address the address of the station being recorded
706 */
707 void AddAllSupportedMcs(Mac48Address address);
708 /**
709 * Invoked in a STA or AP to delete all of the supported MCS by a destination.
710 *
711 * \param address the address of the station being recorded
712 */
714 /**
715 * Record whether the short PHY preamble is supported by the station.
716 *
717 * \param address the address of the station
718 * \param isShortPreambleSupported whether or not short PHY preamble is supported by the station
719 */
720 void AddSupportedPhyPreamble(Mac48Address address, bool isShortPreambleSupported);
721 /**
722 * Record whether the short ERP slot time is supported by the station.
723 *
724 * \param address the address of the station
725 * \param isShortSlotTimeSupported whether or not short ERP slot time is supported by the
726 * station
727 */
728 void AddSupportedErpSlotTime(Mac48Address address, bool isShortSlotTimeSupported);
729 /**
730 * Return whether the station state is brand new.
731 *
732 * \param address the address of the station
733 *
734 * \return true if the state of the station is brand new,
735 * false otherwise
736 */
737 bool IsBrandNew(Mac48Address address) const;
738 /**
739 * Return whether the station associated.
740 *
741 * \param address the address of the station
742 *
743 * \return true if the station is associated,
744 * false otherwise
745 */
746 bool IsAssociated(Mac48Address address) const;
747 /**
748 * Return whether we are waiting for an ACK for
749 * the association response we sent.
750 *
751 * \param address the address of the station
752 *
753 * \return true if the station is associated,
754 * false otherwise
755 */
756 bool IsWaitAssocTxOk(Mac48Address address) const;
757 /**
758 * Records that we are waiting for an ACK for
759 * the association response we sent.
760 *
761 * \param address the address of the station
762 */
763 void RecordWaitAssocTxOk(Mac48Address address);
764 /**
765 * Records that we got an ACK for
766 * the association response we sent.
767 *
768 * \param address the address of the station
769 */
770 void RecordGotAssocTxOk(Mac48Address address);
771 /**
772 * Records that we missed an ACK for
773 * the association response we sent.
774 *
775 * \param address the address of the station
776 */
778 /**
779 * Records that the STA was disassociated.
780 *
781 * \param address the address of the station
782 */
783 void RecordDisassociated(Mac48Address address);
784 /**
785 * Return whether we refused an association request from the given station
786 *
787 * \param address the address of the station
788 * \return true if we refused an association request, false otherwise
789 */
790 bool IsAssocRefused(Mac48Address address) const;
791 /**
792 * Records that association request was refused
793 *
794 * \param address the address of the station
795 */
796 void RecordAssocRefused(Mac48Address address);
798 /**
799 * Return whether the STA is currently in Power Save mode.
800 *
801 * \param address the address of the station
802 *
803 * \return true if the station is in Power Save mode, false otherwise
804 */
805 bool IsInPsMode(const Mac48Address& address) const;
806 /**
807 * Register whether the STA is in Power Save mode or not.
808 *
809 * \param address the address of the station
810 * \param isInPsMode whether the STA is in PS mode or not
811 */
812 void SetPsMode(const Mac48Address& address, bool isInPsMode);
814 /**
815 * Get the address of the MLD the given station is affiliated with, if any.
816 * Note that an MLD address is only present if an ML discovery/setup was performed
817 * with the given station (which requires both this station and the given
818 * station to be MLDs).
819 *
820 * \param address the MAC address of the remote station
821 * \return the address of the MLD the given station is affiliated with, if any
822 */
823 std::optional<Mac48Address> GetMldAddress(const Mac48Address& address) const;
824 /**
825 * Get the address of the remote station operating on this link and affiliated
826 * with the MLD having the given MAC address, if any.
827 *
828 * \param mldAddress the MLD MAC address
829 * \return the address of the remote station operating on this link and
830 * affiliated with the MLD, if any
831 */
832 std::optional<Mac48Address> GetAffiliatedStaAddress(const Mac48Address& mldAddress) const;
834 /**
835 * \param header MAC header
836 * \param allowedWidth the allowed width in MHz to send this packet
837 * \return the TXVECTOR to use to send this packet
838 */
839 WifiTxVector GetDataTxVector(const WifiMacHeader& header, uint16_t allowedWidth);
840 /**
841 * \param address remote address
842 * \param allowedWidth the allowed width in MHz for the data frame being protected
843 *
844 * \return the TXVECTOR to use to send the RTS prior to the
845 * transmission of the data packet itself.
846 */
847 WifiTxVector GetRtsTxVector(Mac48Address address, uint16_t allowedWidth);
848 /**
849 * Return a TXVECTOR for the CTS frame given the destination and the mode of the RTS
850 * used by the sender.
851 *
852 * \param to the MAC address of the CTS receiver
853 * \param rtsTxMode the mode of the RTS used by the sender
854 * \return TXVECTOR for the CTS
855 */
857 /**
858 * Since CTS-to-self parameters are not dependent on the station,
859 * it is implemented in wifi remote station manager
860 *
861 * \return the transmission mode to use to send the CTS-to-self prior to the
862 * transmission of the data packet itself.
863 */
865 /**
866 * Adjust the TXVECTOR for an initial Control frame to ensure that the modulation class
867 * is non-HT and the rate is 6 Mbps, 12 Mbps or 24 Mbps.
868 *
869 * \param txVector the TXVECTOR to adjust
870 */
871 void AdjustTxVectorForIcf(WifiTxVector& txVector) const;
872 /**
873 * Return a TXVECTOR for the Ack frame given the destination and the mode of the Data
874 * used by the sender.
875 *
876 * \param to the MAC address of the Ack receiver
877 * \param dataTxVector the TXVECTOR of the Data used by the sender
878 * \return TXVECTOR for the Ack
879 */
880 WifiTxVector GetAckTxVector(Mac48Address to, const WifiTxVector& dataTxVector) const;
881 /**
882 * Return a TXVECTOR for the BlockAck frame given the destination and the mode of the Data
883 * used by the sender.
884 *
885 * \param to the MAC address of the BlockAck receiver
886 * \param dataTxVector the TXVECTOR of the Data used by the sender
887 * \return TXVECTOR for the BlockAck
888 */
889 WifiTxVector GetBlockAckTxVector(Mac48Address to, const WifiTxVector& dataTxVector) const;
890 /**
891 * Get control answer mode function.
892 *
893 * \param reqMode request mode
894 * \return control answer mode
895 */
898 /**
899 * Should be invoked whenever the RtsTimeout associated to a transmission
900 * attempt expires.
901 *
902 * \param header MAC header of the DATA packet
903 */
904 void ReportRtsFailed(const WifiMacHeader& header);
905 /**
906 * Should be invoked whenever the AckTimeout associated to a transmission
907 * attempt expires.
908 *
909 * \param mpdu the MPDU whose transmission failed
910 */
912 /**
913 * Should be invoked whenever we receive the CTS associated to an RTS
914 * we just sent. Note that we also get the SNR of the RTS we sent since
915 * the receiver put a SnrTag in the CTS.
916 *
917 * \param header MAC header of the DATA packet
918 * \param ctsSnr the SNR of the CTS we received
919 * \param ctsMode the WifiMode the receiver used to send the CTS
920 * \param rtsSnr the SNR of the RTS we sent
921 */
922 void ReportRtsOk(const WifiMacHeader& header, double ctsSnr, WifiMode ctsMode, double rtsSnr);
923 /**
924 * Should be invoked whenever we receive the ACK associated to a data packet
925 * we just sent.
926 *
927 * \param mpdu the MPDU
928 * \param ackSnr the SNR of the ACK we received
929 * \param ackMode the WifiMode the receiver used to send the ACK
930 * \param dataSnr the SNR of the DATA we sent
931 * \param dataTxVector the TXVECTOR of the DATA we sent
932 */
934 double ackSnr,
935 WifiMode ackMode,
936 double dataSnr,
937 WifiTxVector dataTxVector);
938 /**
939 * Should be invoked after calling ReportRtsFailed if
940 * NeedRetransmission returns false
941 *
942 * \param header MAC header of the DATA packet
943 */
944 void ReportFinalRtsFailed(const WifiMacHeader& header);
945 /**
946 * Should be invoked after calling ReportDataFailed if
947 * NeedRetransmission returns false
948 *
949 * \param mpdu the MPDU which was discarded
950 */
952 /**
953 * Typically called per A-MPDU, either when a Block ACK was successfully
954 * received or when a BlockAckTimeout has elapsed.
955 *
956 * \param address the address of the receiver
957 * \param nSuccessfulMpdus number of successfully transmitted MPDUs
958 * A value of 0 means that the Block ACK was missed.
959 * \param nFailedMpdus number of unsuccessfuly transmitted MPDUs
960 * \param rxSnr received SNR of the block ack frame itself
961 * \param dataSnr data SNR reported by remote station
962 * \param dataTxVector the TXVECTOR of the MPDUs we sent
963 */
965 uint16_t nSuccessfulMpdus,
966 uint16_t nFailedMpdus,
967 double rxSnr,
968 double dataSnr,
969 WifiTxVector dataTxVector);
971 /**
972 * \param address remote address
973 * \param rxSignalInfo the info on the received signal (\see RxSignalInfo)
974 * \param txVector the TXVECTOR used for the packet received
975 *
976 * Should be invoked whenever a packet is successfully received.
977 */
978 void ReportRxOk(Mac48Address address, RxSignalInfo rxSignalInfo, WifiTxVector txVector);
980 /**
981 * \param header MAC header of the data frame to send
982 * \param txParams the TX parameters for the data frame to send
983 *
984 * \return true if we want to use an RTS/CTS handshake for this
985 * frame before sending it, false otherwise.
986 */
987 bool NeedRts(const WifiMacHeader& header, const WifiTxParameters& txParams);
988 /**
989 * Return if we need to do CTS-to-self before sending a DATA.
990 *
991 * \param txVector the TXVECTOR of the packet to be sent
992 *
993 * \return true if CTS-to-self is needed,
994 * false otherwise
995 */
996 bool NeedCtsToSelf(WifiTxVector txVector);
998 /**
999 * \param mpdu the MPDU to send
1000 *
1001 * \return true if we want to resend a packet after a failed transmission attempt,
1002 * false otherwise.
1003 */
1005 /**
1006 * \param mpdu the MPDU to send
1007 *
1008 * \return true if this packet should be fragmented,
1009 * false otherwise.
1010 */
1012 /**
1013 * \param mpdu the MPDU to send
1014 * \param fragmentNumber the fragment index of the next fragment to send (starts at zero).
1015 *
1016 * \return the size of the corresponding fragment.
1017 */
1019 /**
1020 * \param mpdu the packet to send
1021 * \param fragmentNumber the fragment index of the next fragment to send (starts at zero).
1022 *
1023 * \return the offset within the original packet where this fragment starts.
1024 */
1026 /**
1027 * \param mpdu the packet to send
1028 * \param fragmentNumber the fragment index of the next fragment to send (starts at zero).
1029 *
1030 * \return true if this is the last fragment, false otherwise.
1031 */
1032 bool IsLastFragment(Ptr<const WifiMpdu> mpdu, uint32_t fragmentNumber);
1034 /**
1035 * \return the default transmission power
1036 */
1037 uint8_t GetDefaultTxPowerLevel() const;
1038 /**
1039 * \param address of the remote station
1040 *
1041 * \return information regarding the remote station associated with the given address
1042 */
1044 /**
1045 * \param address of the remote station
1046 *
1047 * \return the RSSI (in dBm) of the most recent packet received from the remote station
1048 * (irrespective of TID)
1049 *
1050 * This method is typically used when the device needs
1051 * to estimate the target UL RSSI info to put in the
1052 * Trigger frame to send to the remote station.
1053 */
1054 std::optional<double> GetMostRecentRssi(Mac48Address address) const;
1055 /**
1056 * Set the default transmission power level
1057 *
1058 * \param txPower the default transmission power level
1059 */
1060 void SetDefaultTxPowerLevel(uint8_t txPower);
1061 /**
1062 * \return the number of antennas supported by the PHY layer
1063 */
1064 uint8_t GetNumberOfAntennas() const;
1065 /**
1066 * \return the maximum number of spatial streams supported by the PHY layer
1067 */
1068 uint8_t GetMaxNumberOfTransmitStreams() const;
1069 /**
1070 * \returns whether LDPC should be used for a given destination address.
1071 *
1072 * \param dest the destination address
1073 *
1074 * \return whether LDPC should be used for a given destination address
1075 */
1076 bool UseLdpcForDestination(Mac48Address dest) const;
1078 /**
1079 * TracedCallback signature for power change events.
1080 *
1081 * \param [in] oldPower The previous power (in dBm).
1082 * \param [in] newPower The new power (in dBm).
1083 * \param [in] address The remote station MAC address.
1084 */
1085 typedef void (*PowerChangeTracedCallback)(double oldPower,
1086 double newPower,
1087 Mac48Address remoteAddress);
1089 /**
1090 * TracedCallback signature for rate change events.
1091 *
1092 * \param [in] oldRate The previous data rate.
1093 * \param [in] newRate The new data rate.
1094 * \param [in] address The remote station MAC address.
1095 */
1096 typedef void (*RateChangeTracedCallback)(DataRate oldRate,
1097 DataRate newRate,
1098 Mac48Address remoteAddress);
1100 /**
1101 * Return the WifiPhy.
1102 *
1103 * \return a pointer to the WifiPhy
1104 */
1105 Ptr<WifiPhy> GetPhy() const;
1106 /**
1107 * Return the WifiMac.
1108 *
1109 * \return a pointer to the WifiMac
1110 */
1111 Ptr<WifiMac> GetMac() const;
1113 protected:
1114 void DoDispose() override;
1115 /**
1116 * Return whether mode associated with the specified station at the specified index.
1117 *
1118 * \param station the station being queried
1119 * \param i the index
1120 *
1121 * \return WifiMode at the given index of the specified station
1122 */
1123 WifiMode GetSupported(const WifiRemoteStation* station, uint8_t i) const;
1124 /**
1125 * Return the number of modes supported by the given station.
1126 *
1127 * \param station the station being queried
1128 *
1129 * \return the number of modes supported by the given station
1130 */
1131 uint8_t GetNSupported(const WifiRemoteStation* station) const;
1132 /**
1133 * Return whether the given station is QoS capable.
1134 *
1135 * \param station the station being queried
1136 *
1137 * \return true if the station has QoS capabilities,
1138 * false otherwise
1139 */
1140 bool GetQosSupported(const WifiRemoteStation* station) const;
1141 /**
1142 * Return whether the given station is HT capable.
1143 *
1144 * \param station the station being queried
1145 *
1146 * \return true if the station has HT capabilities,
1147 * false otherwise
1148 */
1149 bool GetHtSupported(const WifiRemoteStation* station) const;
1150 /**
1151 * Return whether the given station is VHT capable.
1152 *
1153 * \param station the station being queried
1154 *
1155 * \return true if the station has VHT capabilities,
1156 * false otherwise
1157 */
1158 bool GetVhtSupported(const WifiRemoteStation* station) const;
1159 /**
1160 * Return whether the given station is HE capable.
1161 *
1162 * \param station the station being queried
1163 *
1164 * \return true if the station has HE capabilities,
1165 * false otherwise
1166 */
1167 bool GetHeSupported(const WifiRemoteStation* station) const;
1168 /**
1169 * Return whether the given station is EHT capable.
1170 *
1171 * \param station the station being queried
1172 *
1173 * \return true if the station has EHT capabilities,
1174 * false otherwise
1175 */
1176 bool GetEhtSupported(const WifiRemoteStation* station) const;
1177 /**
1178 * \param station the station of a non-AP MLD
1179 * \return whether the non-AP MLD supports EMLSR
1180 */
1181 bool GetEmlsrSupported(const WifiRemoteStation* station) const;
1182 /**
1183 * \param station the station of a non-AP MLD
1184 * \return whether EMLSR mode is enabled for the non-AP MLD on this link
1185 */
1186 bool GetEmlsrEnabled(const WifiRemoteStation* station) const;
1187 /**
1188 * Return the WifiMode supported by the specified station at the specified index.
1189 *
1190 * \param station the station being queried
1191 * \param i the index
1192 *
1193 * \return the WifiMode at the given index of the specified station
1194 */
1196 WifiMode GetMcsSupported(const WifiRemoteStation* station, uint8_t i) const;
1197 /**
1198 * Return the number of MCS supported by the given station.
1199 *
1200 * \param station the station being queried
1201 *
1202 * \return the number of MCS supported by the given station
1203 */
1204 uint8_t GetNMcsSupported(const WifiRemoteStation* station) const;
1205 /**
1206 * Return whether non-ERP mode associated with the specified station at the specified index.
1207 *
1208 * \param station the station being queried
1209 * \param i the index
1210 *
1211 * \return WifiMode at the given index of the specified station
1212 */
1213 WifiMode GetNonErpSupported(const WifiRemoteStation* station, uint8_t i) const;
1214 /**
1215 * Return the number of non-ERP modes supported by the given station.
1216 *
1217 * \param station the station being queried
1218 *
1219 * \return the number of non-ERP modes supported by the given station
1220 */
1221 uint32_t GetNNonErpSupported(const WifiRemoteStation* station) const;
1222 /**
1223 * Return the address of the station.
1224 *
1225 * \param station the station being queried
1226 *
1227 * \return the address of the station
1228 */
1229 Mac48Address GetAddress(const WifiRemoteStation* station) const;
1230 /**
1231 * Return the channel width supported by the station.
1232 *
1233 * \param station the station being queried
1234 *
1235 * \return the channel width (in MHz) supported by the station
1236 */
1237 uint16_t GetChannelWidth(const WifiRemoteStation* station) const;
1238 /**
1239 * Return whether the given station supports HT/VHT short guard interval.
1240 *
1241 * \param station the station being queried
1242 *
1243 * \return true if the station supports HT/VHT short guard interval,
1244 * false otherwise
1245 */
1246 bool GetShortGuardIntervalSupported(const WifiRemoteStation* station) const;
1247 /**
1248 * Return the HE guard interval duration supported by the station.
1249 *
1250 * \param station the station being queried
1251 *
1252 * \return the HE guard interval duration (in nanoseconds) supported by the station
1253 */
1254 uint16_t GetGuardInterval(const WifiRemoteStation* station) const;
1255 /**
1256 * Return whether the given station supports A-MPDU.
1257 *
1258 * \param station the station being queried
1259 *
1260 * \return true if the station supports MPDU aggregation,
1261 * false otherwise
1262 */
1263 bool GetAggregation(const WifiRemoteStation* station) const;
1265 /**
1266 * Return the number of supported streams the station has.
1267 *
1268 * \param station the station being queried
1269 *
1270 * \return the number of supported streams the station has
1271 */
1272 uint8_t GetNumberOfSupportedStreams(const WifiRemoteStation* station) const;
1273 /**
1274 * \returns the number of Ness the station has.
1275 *
1276 * \param station the station being queried
1277 *
1278 * \return the number of Ness the station has
1279 */
1280 uint8_t GetNess(const WifiRemoteStation* station) const;
1282 private:
1283 /**
1284 * If the given TXVECTOR is used for a MU transmission, return the STAID of
1285 * the station with the given address if we are an AP or our own STAID if we
1286 * are a STA associated with some AP. Otherwise, return SU_STA_ID.
1287 *
1288 * \param address the address of the station
1289 * \param txVector the TXVECTOR used for a MU transmission
1290 * \return the STA-ID of the station
1291 */
1292 uint16_t GetStaId(Mac48Address address, const WifiTxVector& txVector) const;
1294 /**
1295 * \param station the station that we need to communicate
1296 * \param size the size of the frame to send in bytes
1297 * \param normally indicates whether the normal 802.11 RTS enable mechanism would
1298 * request that the RTS is sent or not.
1299 *
1300 * \return true if we want to use an RTS/CTS handshake for this frame before sending it,
1301 * false otherwise.
1302 *
1303 * Note: This method is called before a unicast packet is sent on the medium.
1304 */
1305 virtual bool DoNeedRts(WifiRemoteStation* station, uint32_t size, bool normally);
1306 /**
1307 * \param station the station that we need to communicate
1308 * \param packet the packet to send
1309 * \param normally indicates whether the normal 802.11 data retransmission mechanism
1310 * would request that the data is retransmitted or not.
1311 * \return true if we want to resend a packet after a failed transmission attempt,
1312 * false otherwise.
1313 *
1314 * Note: This method is called after any unicast packet transmission (control, management,
1315 * or data) has been attempted and has failed.
1316 */
1317 virtual bool DoNeedRetransmission(WifiRemoteStation* station,
1318 Ptr<const Packet> packet,
1319 bool normally);
1320 /**
1321 * \param station the station that we need to communicate
1322 * \param packet the packet to send
1323 * \param normally indicates whether the normal 802.11 data fragmentation mechanism
1324 * would request that the data packet is fragmented or not.
1325 *
1326 * \return true if this packet should be fragmented,
1327 * false otherwise.
1328 *
1329 * Note: This method is called before sending a unicast packet.
1330 */
1331 virtual bool DoNeedFragmentation(WifiRemoteStation* station,
1332 Ptr<const Packet> packet,
1333 bool normally);
1334 /**
1335 * \return a new station data structure
1336 */
1338 /**
1339 * \param station the station that we need to communicate
1340 * \param allowedWidth the allowed width in MHz to send a packet to the station
1341 * \return the TXVECTOR to use to send a packet to the station
1342 *
1343 * Note: This method is called before sending a unicast packet or a fragment
1344 * of a unicast packet to decide which transmission mode to use.
1345 */
1346 virtual WifiTxVector DoGetDataTxVector(WifiRemoteStation* station, uint16_t allowedWidth) = 0;
1347 /**
1348 * \param station the station that we need to communicate
1349 *
1350 * \return the transmission mode to use to send an RTS to the station
1351 *
1352 * Note: This method is called before sending an RTS to a station
1353 * to decide which transmission mode to use for the RTS.
1354 */
1357 /**
1358 * This method is a pure virtual method that must be implemented by the sub-class.
1359 * This allows different types of WifiRemoteStationManager to respond differently,
1360 *
1361 * \param station the station that we failed to send RTS
1362 */
1363 virtual void DoReportRtsFailed(WifiRemoteStation* station) = 0;
1364 /**
1365 * This method is a pure virtual method that must be implemented by the sub-class.
1366 * This allows different types of WifiRemoteStationManager to respond differently,
1367 *
1368 * \param station the station that we failed to send DATA
1369 */
1370 virtual void DoReportDataFailed(WifiRemoteStation* station) = 0;
1371 /**
1372 * This method is a pure virtual method that must be implemented by the sub-class.
1373 * This allows different types of WifiRemoteStationManager to respond differently,
1374 *
1375 * \param station the station that we successfully sent RTS
1376 * \param ctsSnr the SNR of the CTS we received
1377 * \param ctsMode the WifiMode the receiver used to send the CTS
1378 * \param rtsSnr the SNR of the RTS we sent
1379 */
1380 virtual void DoReportRtsOk(WifiRemoteStation* station,
1381 double ctsSnr,
1382 WifiMode ctsMode,
1383 double rtsSnr) = 0;
1384 /**
1385 * This method is a pure virtual method that must be implemented by the sub-class.
1386 * This allows different types of WifiRemoteStationManager to respond differently,
1387 *
1388 * \param station the station that we successfully sent RTS
1389 * \param ackSnr the SNR of the ACK we received
1390 * \param ackMode the WifiMode the receiver used to send the ACK
1391 * \param dataSnr the SNR of the DATA we sent
1392 * \param dataChannelWidth the channel width (in MHz) of the DATA we sent
1393 * \param dataNss the number of spatial streams used to send the DATA
1394 */
1395 virtual void DoReportDataOk(WifiRemoteStation* station,
1396 double ackSnr,
1397 WifiMode ackMode,
1398 double dataSnr,
1399 uint16_t dataChannelWidth,
1400 uint8_t dataNss) = 0;
1401 /**
1402 * This method is a pure virtual method that must be implemented by the sub-class.
1403 * This allows different types of WifiRemoteStationManager to respond differently,
1404 *
1405 * \param station the station that we failed to send RTS
1406 */
1407 virtual void DoReportFinalRtsFailed(WifiRemoteStation* station) = 0;
1408 /**
1409 * This method is a pure virtual method that must be implemented by the sub-class.
1410 * This allows different types of WifiRemoteStationManager to respond differently,
1411 *
1412 * \param station the station that we failed to send DATA
1413 */
1414 virtual void DoReportFinalDataFailed(WifiRemoteStation* station) = 0;
1415 /**
1416 * This method is a pure virtual method that must be implemented by the sub-class.
1417 * This allows different types of WifiRemoteStationManager to respond differently,
1418 *
1419 * \param station the station that sent the DATA to us
1420 * \param rxSnr the SNR of the DATA we received
1421 * \param txMode the WifiMode the sender used to send the DATA
1422 */
1423 virtual void DoReportRxOk(WifiRemoteStation* station, double rxSnr, WifiMode txMode) = 0;
1424 /**
1425 * Typically called per A-MPDU, either when a Block ACK was successfully received
1426 * or when a BlockAckTimeout has elapsed. This method is a virtual method that must
1427 * be implemented by the sub-class intended to handle A-MPDUs. This allows different
1428 * types of WifiRemoteStationManager to respond differently.
1429 *
1430 * \param station the station that sent the DATA to us
1431 * \param nSuccessfulMpdus number of successfully transmitted MPDUs.
1432 * A value of 0 means that the Block ACK was missed.
1433 * \param nFailedMpdus number of unsuccessfuly transmitted MPDUs.
1434 * \param rxSnr received SNR of the block ack frame itself
1435 * \param dataSnr data SNR reported by remote station
1436 * \param dataChannelWidth the channel width (in MHz) of the A-MPDU we sent
1437 * \param dataNss the number of spatial streams used to send the A-MPDU
1438 */
1439 virtual void DoReportAmpduTxStatus(WifiRemoteStation* station,
1440 uint16_t nSuccessfulMpdus,
1441 uint16_t nFailedMpdus,
1442 double rxSnr,
1443 double dataSnr,
1444 uint16_t dataChannelWidth,
1445 uint8_t dataNss);
1447 /**
1448 * Return the state of the station associated with the given address.
1449 *
1450 * \param address the address of the station
1451 * \return WifiRemoteStationState corresponding to the address
1452 */
1453 std::shared_ptr<WifiRemoteStationState> LookupState(Mac48Address address) const;
1454 /**
1455 * Return the station associated with the given address.
1456 *
1457 * \param address the address of the station
1458 *
1459 * \return WifiRemoteStation corresponding to the address
1460 */
1461 WifiRemoteStation* Lookup(Mac48Address address) const;
1463 /**
1464 * Actually sets the fragmentation threshold, it also checks the validity of
1465 * the given threshold.
1466 *
1467 * \param threshold the fragmentation threshold
1468 */
1469 void DoSetFragmentationThreshold(uint32_t threshold);
1470 /**
1471 * Return the current fragmentation threshold
1472 *
1473 * \return the fragmentation threshold
1474 */
1476 /**
1477 * Return the number of fragments needed for the given packet.
1478 *
1479 * \param mpdu the packet to be fragmented
1480 *
1481 * \return the number of fragments needed
1482 */
1485 /**
1486 * This is a pointer to the WifiPhy associated with this
1487 * WifiRemoteStationManager that is set on call to
1488 * WifiRemoteStationManager::SetupPhy(). Through this pointer the
1489 * station manager can determine PHY characteristics, such as the
1490 * set of all transmission rates that may be supported (the
1491 * "DeviceRateSet").
1492 */
1494 /**
1495 * This is a pointer to the WifiMac associated with this
1496 * WifiRemoteStationManager that is set on call to
1497 * WifiRemoteStationManager::SetupMac(). Through this pointer the
1498 * station manager can determine MAC characteristics, such as the
1499 * interframe spaces.
1500 */
1503 /**
1504 * This member is the list of WifiMode objects that comprise the
1505 * BSSBasicRateSet parameter. This list is constructed through calls
1506 * to WifiRemoteStationManager::AddBasicMode(), and an API that
1507 * allows external access to it is available through
1508 * WifiRemoteStationManager::GetNBasicModes() and
1509 * WifiRemoteStationManager::GetBasicMode().
1510 */
1511 WifiModeList m_bssBasicRateSet; //!< basic rate set
1512 WifiModeList m_bssBasicMcsSet; //!< basic MCS set
1514 StationStates m_states; //!< States of known stations
1515 Stations m_stations; //!< Information for each known stations
1517 uint32_t m_maxSsrc; //!< Maximum STA short retry count (SSRC)
1518 uint32_t m_maxSlrc; //!< Maximum STA long retry count (SLRC)
1519 uint32_t m_rtsCtsThreshold; //!< Threshold for RTS/CTS
1520 Time m_rtsCtsTxDurationThresh; //!< TX duration threshold for RTS/CTS
1521 uint32_t m_fragmentationThreshold; //!< Current threshold for fragmentation
1522 uint8_t m_defaultTxPowerLevel; //!< Default transmission power level
1523 WifiMode m_nonUnicastMode; //!< Transmission mode for non-unicast Data frames
1524 bool m_useNonErpProtection; //!< flag if protection for non-ERP stations against ERP
1525 //!< transmissions is enabled
1526 bool m_useNonHtProtection; //!< flag if protection for non-HT stations against HT transmissions
1527 //!< is enabled
1528 bool m_shortPreambleEnabled; //!< flag if short PHY preamble is enabled
1529 bool m_shortSlotTimeEnabled; //!< flag if short slot time is enabled
1530 ProtectionMode m_erpProtectionMode; //!< Protection mode for ERP stations when non-ERP stations
1531 //!< are detected
1533 m_htProtectionMode; //!< Protection mode for HT stations when non-HT stations are detected
1535 std::array<uint32_t, AC_BE_NQOS> m_ssrc; //!< short retry count per AC
1536 std::array<uint32_t, AC_BE_NQOS> m_slrc; //!< long retry count per AC
1538 /**
1539 * The trace source fired when the transmission of a single RTS has failed
1540 */
1542 /**
1543 * The trace source fired when the transmission of a single data packet has failed
1544 */
1546 /**
1547 * The trace source fired when the transmission of a RTS has
1548 * exceeded the maximum number of attempts
1549 */
1551 /**
1552 * The trace source fired when the transmission of a data packet has
1553 * exceeded the maximum number of attempts
1554 */
1558} // namespace ns3
Class for representing data rates.
Definition: data-rate.h:89
The IEEE 802.11be EHT Capabilities.
The HE 6 GHz Band Capabilities (IEEE 802.11ax-2021
The IEEE 802.11ax HE Capabilities.
The HT Capabilities Information Element.
an EUI-48 address
Definition: mac48-address.h:46
A base class which provides memory management and object aggregation.
Definition: object.h:89
Smart pointer class similar to boost::intrusive_ptr.
Definition: ptr.h:77
Simulation virtual time values and global simulation resolution.
Definition: nstime.h:105
Forward calls to a chain of Callback.
a unique identifier for an interface.
Definition: type-id.h:59
The IEEE 802.11ac VHT Capabilities.
Implements the IEEE 802.11 MAC header.
represent a single transmission mode
Definition: wifi-mode.h:51
TID independent remote station statistics.
hold a list of per-remote-station state.
void ReportDataFailed(Ptr< const WifiMpdu > mpdu)
Should be invoked whenever the AckTimeout associated to a transmission attempt expires.
bool GetQosSupported(Mac48Address address) const
Return whether the given station is QoS capable.
uint8_t GetNumberOfSupportedStreams(Mac48Address address) const
Return the number of spatial streams supported by the station.
WifiTxVector GetAckTxVector(Mac48Address to, const WifiTxVector &dataTxVector) const
Return a TXVECTOR for the Ack frame given the destination and the mode of the Data used by the sender...
virtual bool DoNeedFragmentation(WifiRemoteStation *station, Ptr< const Packet > packet, bool normally)
uint32_t m_fragmentationThreshold
Current threshold for fragmentation.
void SetShortSlotTimeEnabled(bool enable)
Enable or disable short slot time.
void SetPsMode(const Mac48Address &address, bool isInPsMode)
Register whether the STA is in Power Save mode or not.
uint8_t GetNess(const WifiRemoteStation *station) const
void AddBasicMode(WifiMode mode)
Invoked in a STA upon association to store the set of rates which belong to the BSSBasicRateSet of th...
bool GetEmlsrEnabled(const Mac48Address &address) const
virtual int64_t AssignStreams(int64_t stream)
Assign a fixed random variable stream number to the random variables used by this model.
uint32_t GetNFragments(Ptr< const WifiMpdu > mpdu)
Return the number of fragments needed for the given packet.
uint16_t GetAssociationId(Mac48Address remoteAddress) const
Get the AID of a remote station.
ProtectionMode m_htProtectionMode
Protection mode for HT stations when non-HT stations are detected.
WifiMode GetDefaultModeForSta(const WifiRemoteStation *st) const
Return the default MCS to use to transmit frames to the given station.
void AdjustTxVectorForIcf(WifiTxVector &txVector) const
Adjust the TXVECTOR for an initial Control frame to ensure that the modulation class is non-HT and th...
std::array< uint32_t, AC_BE_NQOS > m_slrc
long retry count per AC
WifiRemoteStation * Lookup(Mac48Address address) const
Return the station associated with the given address.
uint32_t GetFragmentationThreshold() const
Return the fragmentation threshold.
bool NeedRetransmission(Ptr< const WifiMpdu > mpdu)
uint8_t GetNBasicModes() const
Return the number of basic modes we support.
bool UseLdpcForDestination(Mac48Address dest) const
uint32_t m_maxSsrc
Maximum STA short retry count (SSRC)
void SetRtsCtsThreshold(uint32_t threshold)
Sets the RTS threshold.
void AddAllSupportedMcs(Mac48Address address)
Invoked in a STA or AP to store all of the MCS supported by a destination which is also supported loc...
TracedCallback< Mac48Address > m_macTxRtsFailed
The trace source fired when the transmission of a single RTS has failed.
virtual bool DoNeedRts(WifiRemoteStation *station, uint32_t size, bool normally)
uint16_t GetChannelWidth(const WifiRemoteStation *station) const
Return the channel width supported by the station.
void DoSetFragmentationThreshold(uint32_t threshold)
Actually sets the fragmentation threshold, it also checks the validity of the given threshold.
bool IsBrandNew(Mac48Address address) const
Return whether the station state is brand new.
virtual void DoReportFinalDataFailed(WifiRemoteStation *station)=0
This method is a pure virtual method that must be implemented by the sub-class.
virtual void DoReportRtsOk(WifiRemoteStation *station, double ctsSnr, WifiMode ctsMode, double rtsSnr)=0
This method is a pure virtual method that must be implemented by the sub-class.
Time m_rtsCtsTxDurationThresh
TX duration threshold for RTS/CTS.
bool GetShortSlotTimeEnabled() const
Return whether the device uses short slot time.
void DoDispose() override
Destructor implementation.
void AddStationMleCommonInfo(Mac48Address from, const std::shared_ptr< CommonInfoBasicMle > &mleCommonInfo)
Records the Common Info field advertised by the given remote station in a Multi-Link Element.
virtual void DoReportDataFailed(WifiRemoteStation *station)=0
This method is a pure virtual method that must be implemented by the sub-class.
bool IsLastFragment(Ptr< const WifiMpdu > mpdu, uint32_t fragmentNumber)
void ReportFinalDataFailed(Ptr< const WifiMpdu > mpdu)
Should be invoked after calling ReportDataFailed if NeedRetransmission returns false.
uint32_t GetNNonErpBasicModes() const
Return the number of non-ERP basic modes we support.
void SetUseNonErpProtection(bool enable)
Enable or disable protection for non-ERP stations.
uint8_t GetNSupported(const WifiRemoteStation *station) const
Return the number of modes supported by the given station.
bool m_useNonHtProtection
flag if protection for non-HT stations against HT transmissions is enabled
bool GetShortPreambleSupported(Mac48Address address) const
Return whether the station supports short PHY preamble or not.
void(* PowerChangeTracedCallback)(double oldPower, double newPower, Mac48Address remoteAddress)
TracedCallback signature for power change events.
void AddAllSupportedModes(Mac48Address address)
Invoked in a STA or AP to store all of the modes supported by a destination which is also supported l...
std::optional< Mac48Address > GetAffiliatedStaAddress(const Mac48Address &mldAddress) const
Get the address of the remote station operating on this link and affiliated with the MLD having the g...
WifiMode GetNonErpBasicMode(uint8_t i) const
Return a basic mode from the set of basic modes that is not an ERP mode.
void ReportRtsOk(const WifiMacHeader &header, double ctsSnr, WifiMode ctsMode, double rtsSnr)
Should be invoked whenever we receive the CTS associated to an RTS we just sent.
Ptr< WifiPhy > GetPhy() const
Return the WifiPhy.
void AddSupportedMcs(Mac48Address address, WifiMode mcs)
Record the MCS index supported by the station.
std::optional< std::reference_wrapper< CommonInfoBasicMle::EmlCapabilities > > GetStationEmlCapabilities(const Mac48Address &from)
WifiTxVector GetBlockAckTxVector(Mac48Address to, const WifiTxVector &dataTxVector) const
Return a TXVECTOR for the BlockAck frame given the destination and the mode of the Data used by the s...
void RemoveAllSupportedMcs(Mac48Address address)
Invoked in a STA or AP to delete all of the supported MCS by a destination.
uint32_t DoGetFragmentationThreshold() const
Return the current fragmentation threshold.
WifiModeList m_bssBasicMcsSet
basic MCS set
TracedCallback< Mac48Address > m_macTxFinalRtsFailed
The trace source fired when the transmission of a RTS has exceeded the maximum number of attempts.
WifiMode GetNonUnicastMode() const
Return a mode for non-unicast packets.
bool m_shortPreambleEnabled
flag if short PHY preamble is enabled
void AddStationVhtCapabilities(Mac48Address from, VhtCapabilities vhtCapabilities)
Records VHT capabilities of the remote station.
bool GetShortSlotTimeSupported(Mac48Address address) const
Return whether the station supports short ERP slot time or not.
void SetShortPreambleEnabled(bool enable)
Enable or disable short PHY preambles.
virtual WifiTxVector DoGetDataTxVector(WifiRemoteStation *station, uint16_t allowedWidth)=0
WifiMode GetDefaultMcs() const
Return the default Modulation and Coding Scheme (MCS) index.
Ptr< WifiPhy > m_wifiPhy
This is a pointer to the WifiPhy associated with this WifiRemoteStationManager that is set on call to...
void AddBasicMcs(WifiMode mcs)
Add a given Modulation and Coding Scheme (MCS) index to the set of basic MCS.
void ReportRxOk(Mac48Address address, RxSignalInfo rxSignalInfo, WifiTxVector txVector)
uint8_t m_defaultTxPowerLevel
Default transmission power level.
bool GetErpOfdmSupported(const Mac48Address &address) const
Return whether the station supports ERP OFDM or not.
static TypeId GetTypeId()
Get the type ID.
WifiMode m_nonUnicastMode
Transmission mode for non-unicast Data frames.
void SetUseNonHtProtection(bool enable)
Enable or disable protection for non-HT stations.
uint16_t GetGuardInterval() const
Return the supported HE guard interval duration (in nanoseconds).
bool IsAssociated(Mac48Address address) const
Return whether the station associated.
Ptr< const HtCapabilities > GetStationHtCapabilities(Mac48Address from)
Return the HT capabilities sent by the remote station.
bool NeedFragmentation(Ptr< const WifiMpdu > mpdu)
void ReportAmpduTxStatus(Mac48Address address, uint16_t nSuccessfulMpdus, uint16_t nFailedMpdus, double rxSnr, double dataSnr, WifiTxVector dataTxVector)
Typically called per A-MPDU, either when a Block ACK was successfully received or when a BlockAckTime...
Ptr< const He6GhzBandCapabilities > GetStationHe6GhzCapabilities(const Mac48Address &from) const
Return the HE 6 GHz Band Capabilities sent by a remote station.
bool GetDsssSupported(const Mac48Address &address) const
Return whether the station supports DSSS or not.
uint32_t GetFragmentOffset(Ptr< const WifiMpdu > mpdu, uint32_t fragmentNumber)
void SetQosSupport(Mac48Address from, bool qosSupported)
Records QoS support of the remote station.
void AddStationHe6GhzCapabilities(const Mac48Address &from, const He6GhzBandCapabilities &he6GhzCapabilities)
Records HE 6 GHz Band Capabilities of a remote station.
WifiRemoteStationInfo GetInfo(Mac48Address address)
bool GetOfdmSupported(const Mac48Address &address) const
Return whether the station supports OFDM or not.
void(* RateChangeTracedCallback)(DataRate oldRate, DataRate newRate, Mac48Address remoteAddress)
TracedCallback signature for rate change events.
uint32_t GetFragmentSize(Ptr< const WifiMpdu > mpdu, uint32_t fragmentNumber)
WifiTxVector GetCtsToSelfTxVector()
Since CTS-to-self parameters are not dependent on the station, it is implemented in wifi remote stati...
uint8_t GetNBasicMcs() const
Return the number of basic MCS index.
bool GetAggregation(const WifiRemoteStation *station) const
Return whether the given station supports A-MPDU.
bool GetHtSupported() const
Return whether the device has HT capability support enabled on the link this manager is associated wi...
void RecordWaitAssocTxOk(Mac48Address address)
Records that we are waiting for an ACK for the association response we sent.
void SetFragmentationThreshold(uint32_t threshold)
Sets a fragmentation threshold.
Ptr< WifiMac > m_wifiMac
This is a pointer to the WifiMac associated with this WifiRemoteStationManager that is set on call to...
void RecordGotAssocTxOk(Mac48Address address)
Records that we got an ACK for the association response we sent.
bool GetLdpcSupported() const
Return whether the device has LDPC support enabled.
std::unordered_map< Mac48Address, std::shared_ptr< WifiRemoteStationState >, WifiAddressHash > StationStates
A map of WifiRemoteStationStates with Mac48Address as key.
void AddStationHeCapabilities(Mac48Address from, HeCapabilities heCapabilities)
Records HE capabilities of the remote station.
WifiTxVector GetRtsTxVector(Mac48Address address, uint16_t allowedWidth)
bool GetEhtSupported() const
Return whether the device has EHT capability support enabled.
void AddSupportedMode(Mac48Address address, WifiMode mode)
Invoked in a STA or AP to store the set of modes supported by a destination which is also supported l...
std::optional< double > GetMostRecentRssi(Mac48Address address) const
std::shared_ptr< WifiRemoteStationState > LookupState(Mac48Address address) const
Return the state of the station associated with the given address.
Ptr< WifiMac > GetMac() const
Return the WifiMac.
WifiMode GetNonErpSupported(const WifiRemoteStation *station, uint8_t i) const
Return whether non-ERP mode associated with the specified station at the specified index.
std::array< uint32_t, AC_BE_NQOS > m_ssrc
short retry count per AC
Ptr< const EhtCapabilities > GetStationEhtCapabilities(Mac48Address from)
Return the EHT capabilities sent by the remote station.
void RecordAssocRefused(Mac48Address address)
Records that association request was refused.
bool IsInPsMode(const Mac48Address &address) const
Return whether the STA is currently in Power Save mode.
void ReportFinalRtsFailed(const WifiMacHeader &header)
Should be invoked after calling ReportRtsFailed if NeedRetransmission returns false.
StationStates m_states
States of known stations.
bool NeedCtsToSelf(WifiTxVector txVector)
Return if we need to do CTS-to-self before sending a DATA.
std::unordered_map< Mac48Address, WifiRemoteStation *, WifiAddressHash > Stations
A map of WifiRemoteStations with Mac48Address as key.
WifiTxVector GetCtsTxVector(Mac48Address to, WifiMode rtsTxMode) const
Return a TXVECTOR for the CTS frame given the destination and the mode of the RTS used by the sender.
void SetMaxSsrc(uint32_t maxSsrc)
Sets the maximum STA short retry count (SSRC).
Ptr< const HeCapabilities > GetStationHeCapabilities(Mac48Address from)
Return the HE capabilities sent by the remote station.
WifiMode GetBasicMcs(uint8_t i) const
Return the MCS at the given list index.
uint8_t GetNMcsSupported(Mac48Address address) const
Return the number of MCS supported by the station.
TracedCallback< Mac48Address > m_macTxDataFailed
The trace source fired when the transmission of a single data packet has failed.
uint16_t GetStaId(Mac48Address address, const WifiTxVector &txVector) const
If the given TXVECTOR is used for a MU transmission, return the STAID of the station with the given a...
WifiMode GetBasicMode(uint8_t i) const
Return a basic mode from the set of basic modes.
void AddStationEhtCapabilities(Mac48Address from, EhtCapabilities ehtCapabilities)
Records EHT capabilities of the remote station.
void AddSupportedPhyPreamble(Mac48Address address, bool isShortPreambleSupported)
Record whether the short PHY preamble is supported by the station.
bool GetEmlsrSupported(const Mac48Address &address) const
bool GetShortGuardIntervalSupported() const
Return whether the device has SGI support enabled.
Mac48Address GetAddress(const WifiRemoteStation *station) const
Return the address of the station.
virtual void SetupPhy(const Ptr< WifiPhy > phy)
Set up PHY associated with this device since it is the object that knows the full set of transmit rat...
virtual void DoReportRtsFailed(WifiRemoteStation *station)=0
This method is a pure virtual method that must be implemented by the sub-class.
void SetDefaultTxPowerLevel(uint8_t txPower)
Set the default transmission power level.
void RecordDisassociated(Mac48Address address)
Records that the STA was disassociated.
Stations m_stations
Information for each known stations.
virtual WifiTxVector DoGetRtsTxVector(WifiRemoteStation *station)=0
WifiMode GetMcsSupported(const WifiRemoteStation *station, uint8_t i) const
Return the WifiMode supported by the specified station at the specified index.
std::optional< std::reference_wrapper< CommonInfoBasicMle::MldCapabilities > > GetStationMldCapabilities(const Mac48Address &from)
uint32_t GetNNonErpSupported(const WifiRemoteStation *station) const
Return the number of non-ERP modes supported by the given station.
uint16_t GetChannelWidthSupported(Mac48Address address) const
Return the channel width supported by the station.
uint32_t m_maxSlrc
Maximum STA long retry count (SLRC)
virtual WifiRemoteStation * DoCreateStation() const =0
void Reset()
Reset the station, invoked in a STA upon dis-association or in an AP upon reboot.
bool GetUseNonErpProtection() const
Return whether the device supports protection of non-ERP stations.
bool IsAssocRefused(Mac48Address address) const
Return whether we refused an association request from the given station.
void SetAssociationId(Mac48Address remoteAddress, uint16_t aid)
Record the AID of a remote station.
virtual void DoReportAmpduTxStatus(WifiRemoteStation *station, uint16_t nSuccessfulMpdus, uint16_t nFailedMpdus, double rxSnr, double dataSnr, uint16_t dataChannelWidth, uint8_t dataNss)
Typically called per A-MPDU, either when a Block ACK was successfully received or when a BlockAckTime...
bool GetVhtSupported() const
Return whether the device has VHT capability support enabled on the link this manager is associated w...
Ptr< const VhtCapabilities > GetStationVhtCapabilities(Mac48Address from)
Return the VHT capabilities sent by the remote station.
ProtectionMode m_erpProtectionMode
Protection mode for ERP stations when non-ERP stations are detected.
WifiModeList m_bssBasicRateSet
This member is the list of WifiMode objects that comprise the BSSBasicRateSet parameter.
virtual void DoReportDataOk(WifiRemoteStation *station, double ackSnr, WifiMode ackMode, double dataSnr, uint16_t dataChannelWidth, uint8_t dataNss)=0
This method is a pure virtual method that must be implemented by the sub-class.
ProtectionMode enumeration.
WifiTxVector GetDataTxVector(const WifiMacHeader &header, uint16_t allowedWidth)
void ReportDataOk(Ptr< const WifiMpdu > mpdu, double ackSnr, WifiMode ackMode, double dataSnr, WifiTxVector dataTxVector)
Should be invoked whenever we receive the ACK associated to a data packet we just sent.
void ReportRtsFailed(const WifiMacHeader &header)
Should be invoked whenever the RtsTimeout associated to a transmission attempt expires.
void AddSupportedErpSlotTime(Mac48Address address, bool isShortSlotTimeSupported)
Record whether the short ERP slot time is supported by the station.
bool GetShortPreambleEnabled() const
Return whether the device uses short PHY preambles.
WifiMode GetSupported(const WifiRemoteStation *station, uint8_t i) const
Return whether mode associated with the specified station at the specified index.
bool GetHeSupported() const
Return whether the device has HE capability support enabled.
virtual void DoReportRxOk(WifiRemoteStation *station, double rxSnr, WifiMode txMode)=0
This method is a pure virtual method that must be implemented by the sub-class.
void AddStationHtCapabilities(Mac48Address from, HtCapabilities htCapabilities)
Records HT capabilities of the remote station.
virtual bool DoNeedRetransmission(WifiRemoteStation *station, Ptr< const Packet > packet, bool normally)
WifiMode GetDefaultMode() const
Return the default transmission mode.
void SetEmlsrEnabled(const Mac48Address &from, bool emlsrEnabled)
void RecordGotAssocTxFailed(Mac48Address address)
Records that we missed an ACK for the association response we sent.
std::optional< Mac48Address > GetMldAddress(const Mac48Address &address) const
Get the address of the MLD the given station is affiliated with, if any.
virtual void DoReportFinalRtsFailed(WifiRemoteStation *station)=0
This method is a pure virtual method that must be implemented by the sub-class.
virtual void SetupMac(const Ptr< WifiMac > mac)
Set up MAC associated with this device since it is the object that knows the full set of timing param...
bool NeedRts(const WifiMacHeader &header, const WifiTxParameters &txParams)
uint32_t m_rtsCtsThreshold
Threshold for RTS/CTS.
bool m_useNonErpProtection
flag if protection for non-ERP stations against ERP transmissions is enabled
WifiMode GetControlAnswerMode(WifiMode reqMode) const
Get control answer mode function.
bool m_shortSlotTimeEnabled
flag if short slot time is enabled
bool IsWaitAssocTxOk(Mac48Address address) const
Return whether we are waiting for an ACK for the association response we sent.
void SetMaxSlrc(uint32_t maxSlrc)
Sets the maximum STA long retry count (SLRC).
TracedCallback< Mac48Address > m_macTxFinalDataFailed
The trace source fired when the transmission of a data packet has exceeded the maximum number of atte...
bool GetUseNonHtProtection() const
Return whether the device supports protection of non-HT stations.
This class stores the TX parameters (TX vector, protection mechanism, acknowledgment mechanism,...
This class mimics the TXVECTOR which is to be passed to the PHY in order to define the parameters whi...
Every class exported by the ns3 library is enclosed in the ns3 namespace.
std::vector< WifiMode > WifiModeList
In various parts of the code, folk are interested in maintaining a list of transmission modes.
Definition: wifi-mode.h:262
RxSignalInfo structure containing info on the received signal.
Definition: phy-entity.h:69
Function object to compute the hash of a MAC address.
Definition: qos-utils.h:56
hold per-remote-station state.
WifiRemoteStationState * m_state
Remote station state.
std::pair< double, Time > m_rssiAndUpdateTimePair
RSSI (in dBm) of the most recent packet received from the remote station along with update time.
A struct that holds information about each remote station.
std::shared_ptr< CommonInfoBasicMle > m_mleCommonInfo
remote station Multi-Link Element Common Info
Mac48Address m_address
Mac48Address of the remote station.
bool m_shortSlotTime
Flag if short ERP slot time is supported by the remote station.
bool m_dsssSupported
Flag if DSSS is supported by the remote station.
uint16_t m_channelWidth
Channel width (in MHz) supported by the remote station.
uint16_t m_aid
AID of the remote station (unused if this object is installed on a non-AP station)
bool m_ofdmSupported
Flag if OFDM is supported by the remote station.
enum ns3::WifiRemoteStationState::@75 m_state
State of the station.
uint8_t m_ness
Number of extended spatial streams of the remote station.
bool m_aggregation
Flag if MPDU aggregation is used by the remote station.
bool m_qosSupported
Flag if QoS is supported by the station.
WifiModeList m_operationalRateSet
This member is the list of WifiMode objects that comprise the OperationalRateSet parameter for this r...
WifiModeList m_operationalMcsSet
operational MCS set
uint16_t m_guardInterval
HE Guard interval duration (in nanoseconds) supported by the remote station.
bool m_isInPsMode
Flag if the STA is currently in PS mode.
Ptr< const EhtCapabilities > m_ehtCapabilities
remote station EHT capabilities
bool m_shortPreamble
Flag if short PHY preamble is supported by the remote station.
bool m_erpOfdmSupported
Flag if ERP OFDM is supported by the remote station.
Ptr< const VhtCapabilities > m_vhtCapabilities
remote station VHT capabilities
Ptr< const He6GhzBandCapabilities > m_he6GhzBandCapabilities
remote station HE 6GHz band capabilities
WifiRemoteStationInfo m_info
remote station info
bool m_emlsrEnabled
whether EMLSR mode is enabled on this link
Ptr< const HtCapabilities > m_htCapabilities
remote station HT capabilities
Ptr< const HeCapabilities > m_heCapabilities
remote station HE capabilities