12#include "ns3/nstime.h"
13#include "ns3/packet.h"
Smart pointer class similar to boost::intrusive_ptr.
Simulation virtual time values and global simulation resolution.
Tracks and stores packets sent in the simulation and provides aggregation functionality.
void NoMoreReceiversCallback(Ptr< const Packet > packet, uint32_t systemId)
Trace a gateway packet loss caused by lack of free reception paths.
std::string CountRetransmissions(Time startTime, Time stopTime)
In a time interval, count the number of retransmissions that were needed to correctly deliver a packe...
void MacTransmissionCallback(Ptr< const Packet > packet)
Trace a packet leaving a node's MAC layer to go down the stack and be sent by the PHY layer.
PhyPacketData m_packetTracker
Packet map of PHY layer metrics.
void RequiredTransmissionsCallback(uint8_t reqTx, bool success, Time firstAttempt, Ptr< Packet > packet)
Trace the exit status of a MAC layer packet retransmission process of an end device.
void UnderSensitivityCallback(Ptr< const Packet > packet, uint32_t systemId)
Trace a gateway packet loss caused by signal strength under sensitivity.
void LostBecauseTxCallback(Ptr< const Packet > packet, uint32_t systemId)
Trace a gateway packet loss caused by concurrent downlink transmission.
std::string CountMacPacketsPerGw(Time startTime, Time stopTime, int systemId)
Count packets in a time interval to evaluate the performance at MAC level of a specific gateway.
std::vector< int > CountPhyPacketsPerGw(Time startTime, Time stopTime, int systemId)
Count packets in a time interval to evaluate the performance at PHY level of a specific gateway.
std::string PrintPhyPacketsPerGw(Time startTime, Time stopTime, int systemId)
Count packets in a time interval to evaluate the performance at PHY level of a specific gateway.
void MacGwReceptionCallback(Ptr< const Packet > packet)
Trace a packet leaving a gateway's MAC layer to go up the stack and be delivered to the node's applic...
Default constructor.
void PacketReceptionCallback(Ptr< const Packet > packet, uint32_t systemId)
Trace a correct packet RX by the PHY layer of a gateway.
MacPacketData m_macPacketTracker
Packet map of MAC layer metrics.
std::string CountMacPacketsGlobally(Time startTime, Time stopTime)
In a time interval, count packets to evaluate the global performance at MAC level of the whole networ...
bool IsUplink(Ptr< const Packet > packet)
Check whether a packet is uplink.
void InterferenceCallback(Ptr< const Packet > packet, uint32_t systemId)
Trace a gateway packet loss caused by interference.
void TransmissionCallback(Ptr< const Packet > packet, uint32_t systemId)
Trace a packet TX start by the PHY layer of an end device.
RetransmissionData m_reTransmissionTracker
Packet map of retransmission process metrics.
std::string PrintMacPacketsPerGw(Time startTime, Time stopTime, int systemId)
Count packets in a time interval to evaluate the performance at MAC level of a specific gateway.
std::string CountMacPacketsGloballyCpsr(Time startTime, Time stopTime)
In a time interval, count packets to evaluate the performance at MAC level of the whole network.
std::map< Ptr< const Packet >, MacPacketStatus > MacPacketData
std::map< Ptr< const Packet >, PacketStatus > PhyPacketData
std::map< Ptr< const Packet >, RetransmissionStatus > RetransmissionData
Every class exported by the ns3 library is enclosed in the ns3 namespace.
Stores MAC-layer packet metrics of sender/receivers.
Ptr< const Packet > packet
Packet being tracked.
Time receivedTime
Time of first reception (placeholder field)
Time sendTime
Timestamp of the pkt leaving MAC layer to go down the stack of sender.
uint32_t senderId
Node id of the packet sender.
std::map< int, Time > receptionTimes
Timestamp of the pkt leaving MAC layer to go up the stack, mapped by receiver's node id.
Stores PHY-layer uplink packet metrics of sender/receivers.
uint32_t senderId
Node id of the packet sender.
Time sendTime
Timestamp of pkt radio tx start.
Ptr< const Packet > packet
Packet being tracked.
std::map< int, enum PhyPacketOutcome > outcomes
Reception outcome of this pkt at the end of the tx, mapped by gateway's node id.
Stores (optionally enabled) MAC layer packet retransmission process metrics of end devices.
Time finishTime
Timestamp of the conclusion of the retransmission process.
Time firstAttempt
Timestamp of the first transmission attempt.
bool successful
Whether the retransmission procedure was successful.
uint8_t reTxAttempts
Number of transmissions attempted during the process.