A Discrete-Event Network Simulator
No Matches
Deprecated List
See WifiPhyState::CCA_BUSY
Member IDLE
See WifiPhyState::IDLE
Class ns3::energy::LiIonEnergySource
The LiIonEnergySource was deprecated in ns-3.40 in favor of GenericBatteryModel, and will be removed in a future release.
Member ns3::Ipv4::GetWeakEsModel () const =0
Deprecated since ns-3.41. Use SetStrongEndSystemModel instead.
Member ns3::Ipv4::SetWeakEsModel (bool model)=0
Deprecated since ns-3.41. Use SetStrongEndSystemModel instead.
Member ns3::Ipv4L3Protocol::DropTracedCallback )(const Ipv4Header &header, Ptr< const Packet > packet, DropReason reason, Ptr< Ipv4 > ipv4, uint32_t interface)
The non-const Ptr<Ipv4> argument is deprecated and will be changed to Ptr<const Ipv4> in a future release.
Member ns3::Ipv4L3Protocol::m_dropTrace
The non-const Ptr<Ipv4> argument is deprecated and will be changed to Ptr<const Ipv4> in a future release.
Member ns3::Ipv4L3Protocol::m_rxTrace
The non-const Ptr<Ipv4> argument is deprecated and will be changed to Ptr<const Ipv4> in a future release.
Member ns3::Ipv4L3Protocol::m_txTrace
The non-const Ptr<Ipv4> argument is deprecated and will be changed to Ptr<const Ipv4> in a future release.
Member ns3::Ipv4L3Protocol::TxRxTracedCallback )(Ptr< const Packet > packet, Ptr< Ipv4 > ipv4, uint32_t interface)
The non-const Ptr<Ipv4> argument is deprecated and will be changed to Ptr<const Ipv4> in a future release.
Member ns3::Ipv6L3Protocol::DropTracedCallback )(const Ipv6Header &header, Ptr< const Packet > packet, DropReason reason, Ptr< Ipv6 > ipv6, uint32_t interface)
The non-const Ptr<Ipv6> argument is deprecated and will be changed to Ptr<const Ipv6> in a future release.
Member ns3::Ipv6L3Protocol::m_dropTrace
The non-const Ptr<Ipv6> argument is deprecated and will be changed to Ptr<const Ipv6> in a future release.
Member ns3::Ipv6L3Protocol::m_rxTrace
The non-const Ptr<Ipv6> argument is deprecated and will be changed to Ptr<const Ipv6> in a future release.
Member ns3::Ipv6L3Protocol::m_txTrace
The non-const Ptr<Ipv6> argument is deprecated and will be changed to Ptr<const Ipv6> in a future release.
Member ns3::Ipv6L3Protocol::TxRxTracedCallback )(Ptr< const Packet > packet, Ptr< Ipv6 > ipv6, uint32_t interface)
The non-const Ptr<Ipv6> argument is deprecated and will be changed to Ptr<const Ipv6> in a future release.
Member ns3::lrwpan::LrWpanMac::m_macStateLogger
This TracedCallback is deprecated and will be removed in a future release, Instead, use the MacStateValue TracedValue.
Member ns3::lrwpan::LrWpanMac::StateTracedCallback )(MacState oldState, MacState newState)
The MacState is now accessible as the TracedValue MacStateValue. The MacState TracedCallback will be removed in a future release.
Member ns3::lrwpan::LrWpanPhy::m_trxStateLogger
The PhyEnumeration state is now accessible as the TracedValue TrxStateValue. This TracedCallback will be removed in a future release.
Member ns3::lrwpan::LrWpanPhy::StateTracedCallback )(Time time, PhyEnumeration oldState, PhyEnumeration newState)
The LrWpanPhyEnumeration state is now accessible as the TracedValue TrxStateValue. The TrxState TracedCallback will be removed in a future release.
Member ns3::LteEnbPhy::m_reportInterferenceTrace
The non-const Ptr<SpectrumValue> argument is deprecated and will be changed to Ptr<const SpectrumValue> in a future release.
Member ns3::LteEnbPhy::ReportInterferenceTracedCallback )(uint16_t cellId, Ptr< SpectrumValue > spectrumValue)
The non-const Ptr<SpectrumValue> argument is deprecated and will be changed to Ptr<const SpectrumValue> in a future release.
Member ns3::PointToPointChannel::m_txrxPointToPoint
The non-const Ptr<NetDevice> argument is deprecated and will be changed to Ptr<const NetDevice> in a future release.
Member ns3::PointToPointChannel::TxRxAnimationCallback )(Ptr< const Packet > packet, Ptr< NetDevice > txDevice, Ptr< NetDevice > rxDevice, Time duration, Time lastBitTime)
The non-const Ptr<NetDevice> argument is deprecated and will be changed to Ptr<const NetDevice> in a future release.
Member ns3::SimpleOfdmWimaxPhy::m_phyRxBeginTrace
The non-const Ptr<PacketBurst> argument is deprecated and will be changed to Ptrc<PacketBurst> in a future release.
Member ns3::SimpleOfdmWimaxPhy::m_phyRxDropTrace
The non-const Ptr<PacketBurst> argument is deprecated and will be changed to Ptrc<PacketBurst> in a future release.
Member ns3::SimpleOfdmWimaxPhy::m_phyRxEndTrace
The non-const Ptr<PacketBurst> argument is deprecated and will be changed to Ptrc<PacketBurst> in a future release.
Member ns3::SimpleOfdmWimaxPhy::m_phyTxBeginTrace
The non-const Ptr<PacketBurst> argument is deprecated and will be changed to Ptrc<PacketBurst> in a future release.
Member ns3::SimpleOfdmWimaxPhy::m_phyTxDropTrace
The non-const Ptr<PacketBurst> argument is deprecated and will be changed to Ptrc<PacketBurst> in a future release.
Member ns3::SimpleOfdmWimaxPhy::m_phyTxEndTrace
The non-const Ptr<PacketBurst> argument is deprecated and will be changed to Ptrc<PacketBurst> in a future release.
Member ns3::SixLowPanNetDevice::DropTracedCallback )(DropReason reason, Ptr< const Packet > packet, Ptr< SixLowPanNetDevice > sixNetDevice, uint32_t ifindex)
The non-const Ptr<SixLowPanNetDevice> argument is deprecated and will be changed to Ptr<const SixLowPanNetDevice> in a future release.
Member ns3::SixLowPanNetDevice::m_dropTrace
The non-const Ptr<SixLowPanNetDevice> argument is deprecated and will be changed to Ptr<const SixLowPanNetDevice> in a future release.
Member ns3::SixLowPanNetDevice::m_rxTrace
The non-const Ptr<SixLowPanNetDevice> argument is deprecated and will be changed to Ptr<const SixLowPanNetDevice> in a future release.
Member ns3::SixLowPanNetDevice::m_txTrace
The non-const Ptr<SixLowPanNetDevice> argument is deprecated and will be changed to Ptr<const SixLowPanNetDevice> in a future release.
Member ns3::SixLowPanNetDevice::RxTxTracedCallback )(Ptr< const Packet > packet, Ptr< SixLowPanNetDevice > sixNetDevice, uint32_t ifindex)
The non-const Ptr<SixLowPanNetDevice> argument is deprecated and will be changed to Ptr<const SixLowPanNetDevice> in a future release.
Member ns3::SpectrumValue::TracedCallback )(Ptr< SpectrumValue > value)
The non-const Ptr<SpectrumPhy> argument is deprecated and will be changed to Ptr<const SpectrumPhy> in a future release.
Member ns3::TestCase::EXTENSIVE
See Duration::EXTENSIVE.
Member ns3::TestCase::QUICK
See Duration::QUICK.
Member ns3::TestCase::TAKES_FOREVER
See Duration::TAKES_FOREVER.
Member ns3::TestCase::~TestCase ()
See Duration.
Member ns3::TestSuite::ALL
See Type::ALL.
Member ns3::TestSuite::EXAMPLE
See Type::EXAMPLE.
Member ns3::TestSuite::PERFORMANCE
Member ns3::TestSuite::SYSTEM
See Type::SYSTEM.
Member ns3::TestSuite::UNIT
See Type::UNIT.
Member ns3::ThreeGppChannelModel::GetThreeGppTable (Ptr< const ChannelCondition > channelCondition, double hBS, double hUT, double distance2D) const
Use GetThreeGppTable(const Ptr<const MobilityModel> aMob, const Ptr<const MobilityModel> bMob, Ptr<const ChannelCondition> channelCondition) instead
Member ns3::UanPhy::SetRxThresholdDb (double thresh)=0
See UanPhyPer.
See WifiTidToLinkMappingNegSupport::ANY_LINK_SET
See WifiTidToLinkMappingNegSupport::NOT_SUPPORTED
See WifiTidToLinkMappingNegSupport::SAME_LINK_SET
Member ns3::WimaxNetDevice::m_traceRx

The const Mac48Address & argument is deprecated and will be changed to Mac48Address in a future release. The TracedCallback signature will then match Packet::Mac48Address and this typedef can be removed.

Member ns3::WimaxNetDevice::m_traceTx

The const Mac48Address & argument is deprecated and will be changed to Mac48Address in a future release. The TracedCallback signature will then match Packet::Mac48Address and this typedef can be removed.

Member ns3::WimaxNetDevice::TxRxTracedCallback )(Ptr< const Packet > packet, const Mac48Address &mac)
The const Mac48Address & argument is deprecated and will be changed to Mac48Address in a future release. The TracedCallback signature will then match Packet::Mac48Address and this typedef can be removed.
Member OFF
See WifiPhyState::OFF
Member RX
See WifiPhyState::RX
Member SLEEP
See WifiPhyState::SLEEP
See WifiPhyState::SWITCHING
Member TX
See WifiPhyState::TX