A Discrete-Event Network Simulator
No Matches
LoRaWAN Models

This section documents the API of the ns-3 lorawan module. More...


class  AddressTest
 It tests LoraDeviceAddress comparison operators overrides and generation of new addresses with LoraDeviceAddressGenerator. More...
class  ns3::lorawan::AdrComponent
 LinkAdrRequest commands management. More...
class  ns3::lorawan::BuildingPenetrationLoss
 A class implementing the TR 45.820 model for building losses. More...
class  ns3::lorawan::ClassAEndDeviceLorawanMac
 Class representing the MAC layer of a Class A LoRaWAN device. More...
class  ns3::lorawan::ConfirmedMessagesComponent
 Network controller component for acknowledgments management. More...
class  ns3::lorawan::ConstantLoraTxCurrentModel
 A constant model of the transmission current for a LoRa device, always yielding the same current independently from the transmission power provided. More...
class  ns3::lorawan::CorrelatedShadowingPropagationLossModel
 Propagation loss model for spatially correlated shadowing in a city. More...
class  ns3::lorawan::DevStatusAns
 Implementation of the DevStatusAns LoRaWAN MAC command. More...
class  ns3::lorawan::DevStatusReq
 Implementation of the DevStatusReq LoRaWAN MAC command. More...
class  ns3::lorawan::DlChannelAns
 Implementation of the DlChannelAns LoRaWAN MAC command. More...
class  DownlinkPacketTest
 It verifies that devices requesting an acknowledgment receive a reply from the network server. More...
class  ns3::lorawan::DutyCycleAns
 Implementation of the DutyCycleAns LoRaWAN MAC command. More...
class  ns3::lorawan::DutyCycleReq
 Implementation of the DutyCycleReq LoRaWAN MAC command. More...
class  ns3::lorawan::EndDeviceLoraPhy
 Class representing a LoRa transceiver. More...
class  ns3::lorawan::EndDeviceLoraPhyListener
 Receive notifications about PHY events. More...
class  ns3::lorawan::EndDeviceLorawanMac
 Class representing the MAC layer of a LoRaWAN device. More...
class  ns3::lorawan::EndDeviceStatus
 This class represents the network server's knowledge about an end device in the LoRaWAN network it is administering. More...
class  EndDeviceStatusTest
 It tests the constructor of the EndDeviceStatus class. More...
class  ns3::lorawan::Forwarder
 This application forwards packets between NetDevices: LoraNetDevice -> PointToPointNetDevice and vice versa. More...
class  ns3::lorawan::ForwarderHelper
 This class can be used to install Forwarder applications on a set of gateways. More...
class  ns3::lorawan::GatewayLoraPhy
 Class modeling a Lora SX1301 chip. More...
class  ns3::lorawan::GatewayLorawanMac
 Class representing the MAC layer of a LoRaWAN gateway. More...
class  ns3::lorawan::GatewayStatus
 This class represents the network server's knowledge about a gateway in the LoRaWAN network it is administering. More...
class  HeaderTest
 It tests serialization/deserialization of LoRaWAN headers (the LorawanMacHeader and LoraFrameHeader classes) on packets. More...
class  ns3::HexGridPositionAllocator
 Position allocator for hexagonal tiling. More...
class  InterferenceTest
 It tests interference computations in a number of possible scenarios using the LoraInterferenceHelper class. More...
class  ns3::lorawan::LinearLoraTxCurrentModel
 A linear model of the transmission current for a LoRa device, based on the WiFi model. More...
class  ns3::lorawan::LinkAdrAns
 Implementation of the LinkAdrAns LoRaWAN MAC command. More...
class  ns3::lorawan::LinkAdrReq
 Implementation of the LinkAdrReq LoRaWAN MAC command. More...
class  ns3::lorawan::LinkCheckAns
 Implementation of the LinkCheckAns LoRaWAN MAC command. More...
class  ns3::lorawan::LinkCheckComponent
 Network controller component for LinkCheck commands management. More...
class  ns3::lorawan::LinkCheckReq
 Implementation of the LinkCheckReq LoRaWAN MAC command. More...
class  LinkCheckTest
 It verifies that the NetworkServer application correctly responds to LinkCheck requests. More...
class  ns3::lorawan::LogicalLoraChannel
 This class represents a logical LoRaWAN channel. More...
class  ns3::lorawan::LogicalLoraChannelHelper
 This class supports LorawanMac instances by managing a list of the logical channels that the device is supposed to be using, and establishes their relationship with SubBands. More...
class  LogicalLoraChannelTest
 It tests functionality of the LogicalLoraChannel, SubBand and LogicalLoraChannelHelper classes. More...
class  ns3::lorawan::LoraChannel
 The class that delivers packets among PHY layers. More...
struct  ns3::lorawan::LoraChannelParameters
 A struct that holds meaningful parameters for transmission on a LoraChannel. More...
class  ns3::lorawan::LoraDeviceAddress
 This class represents the device address of a LoraWAN end device. More...
class  ns3::lorawan::LoraDeviceAddressGenerator
 This class generates sequential LoraDeviceAddress instances. More...
class  ns3::lorawan::LoraFrameHeader
 This class represents the Frame header (FHDR) used in a LoraWAN network. More...
class  ns3::lorawan::LoraHelper
 Helps to create LoraNetDevice objects. More...
class  ns3::lorawan::LoraInterferenceHelper
 Helper for LoraPhy that manages interference calculations. More...
class  ns3::lorawan::LoraNetDevice
 Hold together all LoRa related objects. More...
class  ns3::lorawan::LoraPacketTracker
 Tracks and stores packets sent in the simulation and provides aggregation functionality. More...
class  ns3::lorawan::LoraPhy
 Base class for PHY layers implementing the LoRa modulation scheme. More...
class  ns3::lorawan::LoraPhyHelper
 Helper to install LoraPhy instances on multiple Nodes. More...
class  ns3::lorawan::LoraRadioEnergyModel
 A LoRa radio energy model. More...
class  ns3::lorawan::LoraRadioEnergyModelHelper
 Installs LoraRadioEnergyModel on devices. More...
class  ns3::lorawan::LoraRadioEnergyModelPhyListener
 Installable listener for LoRa physiscal layer state changes. More...
class  ns3::lorawan::LoraTag
 Tag used to save various data about a packet, like its Spreading Factor and data about interference. More...
class  ns3::lorawan::LoraTxCurrentModel
 Model the transmit current as a function of the transmit power and mode. More...
struct  ns3::lorawan::LoraTxParameters
 Structure to collect all parameters that are used to compute the duration of a packet (excluding payload length). More...
class  ns3::lorawan::LorawanMac
 Class representing the LoRaWAN MAC layer. More...
class  ns3::lorawan::LorawanMacHeader
 This class represents the Mac header of a LoRaWAN packet. More...
class  ns3::lorawan::LorawanMacHelper
 Helper class for configuring and installing the LorawanMac class on devices and gateways. More...
class  LorawanMacTest
 It tests the functionalities of the MAC layer of LoRaWAN devices. More...
class  LorawanTestSuite
 The TestSuite class names the TestSuite, identifies what type of TestSuite, and enables the TestCases to be run. More...
class  ns3::lorawan::MacCommand
 This base class is used to represent a general MAC command. More...
struct  ns3::lorawan::MacPacketStatus
 Stores MAC-layer packet metrics of sender/receivers. More...
struct  ns3::lorawan::NetworkComponents
 Stores the main elements of a simulated LoRaWAN network. More...
class  ns3::lorawan::NetworkController
 This class collects a series of components that deal with various aspects of managing the network, and queries them for action when a new packet is received or other events occur in the network. More...
class  ns3::lorawan::NetworkControllerComponent
 Generic class describing a component of the NetworkController. More...
class  ns3::lorawan::NetworkScheduler
 Network server component in charge of scheduling downling packets onto devices' reception windows. More...
class  NetworkSchedulerTest
 It tests the correct functionality of the NetworkScheduler component class of the network server. More...
class  NetworkSchedulerTestSuite
 The TestSuite class names the TestSuite, identifies what type of TestSuite, and enables the TestCases to be run. More...
class  ns3::lorawan::NetworkServer
 The NetworkServer is an application standing on top of a node equipped with links that connect it with the gateways. More...
class  ns3::lorawan::NetworkServerHelper
 This class can install a NetworkServer application on a node. More...
class  NetworkServerTestSuite
 The TestSuite class names the TestSuite, identifies what type of TestSuite, and enables the TestCases to be run. More...
class  ns3::lorawan::NetworkStatus
 This class represents the knowledge about the state of the network that is available at the network server. More...
class  NetworkStatusTest
 It tests the function NetworkStatus::AddNode. More...
class  NetworkStatusTestSuite
 The TestSuite class names the TestSuite, identifies what type of TestSuite, and enables the TestCases to be run. More...
class  ns3::lorawan::NewChannelAns
 Implementation of the NewChannelAns LoRaWAN MAC command. More...
class  ns3::lorawan::NewChannelReq
 Implementation of the NewChannelReq LoRaWAN MAC command. More...
class  ns3::lorawan::NwkAddr
 Class representing the Network Address component of a LoraDeviceAddress (25 bits) More...
class  ns3::lorawan::NwkID
 Class representing the NetworkId component of a LoraDeviceAddress (7 bits). More...
class  ns3::lorawan::OneShotSender
 Packet sender application to send a single packet. More...
class  ns3::lorawan::OneShotSenderHelper
 This class can be used to install OneShotSender applications on multiple nodes at once. More...
struct  ns3::lorawan::PacketStatus
 Stores PHY-layer uplink packet metrics of sender/receivers. More...
class  ns3::lorawan::PeriodicSender
 Implements a sender application generating packets following a periodic point process. More...
class  ns3::lorawan::PeriodicSenderHelper
 This class can be used to install PeriodicSender applications on a wide range of nodes. More...
class  PhyConnectivityTest
 It tests sending packets over a LoRa physical channel between multiple devices and the resulting possible outcomes. More...
class  ReceivePathTest
 It tests a number of cases related to SimpleGatewayLoraPhy's parallel reception paths. More...
struct  ns3::lorawan::RetransmissionStatus
 Stores (optionally enabled) MAC layer packet retransmission process metrics of end devices. More...
class  ns3::lorawan::RxParamSetupAns
 Implementation of the RxParamSetupAns LoRaWAN MAC command. More...
class  ns3::lorawan::RxParamSetupReq
 Implementation of the RxParamSetupReq LoRaWAN MAC command. More...
class  ns3::lorawan::RxTimingSetupAns
 Implementation of the RxTimingSetupAns LoRaWAN MAC command. More...
class  ns3::lorawan::RxTimingSetupReq
 Implementation of the RxTimingSetupReq LoRaWAN MAC command. More...
class  ns3::lorawan::CorrelatedShadowingPropagationLossModel::ShadowingMap
 This initializes the shadowing map with a grid of independent shadowing values, one m_correlationDistance meters apart from the next one. More...
class  ns3::lorawan::SimpleEndDeviceLoraPhy
 Class representing a simple LoRa transceiver, with an error model based on receiver sensitivity and a SIR table. More...
class  ns3::lorawan::SimpleGatewayLoraPhy
 Class modeling a Lora SX1301 chip. More...
class  ns3::lorawan::SubBand
 Class representing a SubBand, i.e., a frequency band subject to some regulations on duty cycle and transmission power. More...
class  TimeOnAirTest
 It tests the correctness of the LoraPhy::GetOnAirTime calculator against a number of pre-sourced time values of known scenarios. More...
class  ns3::lorawan::TxParamSetupAns
 Implementation of the TxParamSetupAns LoRaWAN MAC command. More...
class  ns3::lorawan::TxParamSetupReq
 Implementation of the TxParamSetupReq LoRaWAN MAC command. More...
class  UplinkPacketTest
 It verifies that the NetworkServer application can receive packets sent in uplink by devices. More...

Detailed Description

This section documents the API of the ns-3 lorawan module.

For a generic functional description, please refer to the ns-3 manual.