A Discrete-Event Network Simulator
No Matches
WiMAX Models

This section documents the API of the ns-3 wimax module. More...

+ Collaboration diagram for WiMAX Models:


 wimax module tests


class  ns3::BandwidthManager
 This class manage the bandwidth request and grant mechanism. More...
class  ns3::BandwidthRequestHeader
 This class implements the bandwidth-request mac Header as described by IEEE Standard for Local and metropolitan area networks Part 16: Air Interface for Fixed Broadband Wireless Access Systems Bandwidth request header, page 38. More...
class  ns3::BaseStationNetDevice
 BaseStation NetDevice. More...
class  ns3::BSLinkManager
 BaseStation Link Manager. More...
class  ns3::BSScheduler
 BaseStation Scheduler. More...
class  ns3::BSSchedulerRtps
 This class implements a simple downlink scheduler for rtPS flows. More...
class  ns3::BSSchedulerSimple
 BaseStation Scheduler - simplified. More...
class  ns3::BsServiceFlowManager
 BsServiceFlowManager. More...
class  ns3::BurstProfileManager
 Profile manager for burst communications. More...
class  ns3::Cid
 Cid class. More...
class  ns3::CidFactory
 This class is used exclusively by the BS to allocate CIDs to new connections. More...
class  ns3::ClassificationRuleVectorTlvValue
 this class implements the classifier descriptor as a tlv vector More...
class  ns3::ConnectionManager
 The same connection manager class serves both for BS and SS though some functions are exclusive to only one of them. More...
class  ns3::CsParameters
 CsParameters class. More...
class  ns3::CsParamVectorTlvValue
 this class implements the convergence sub-layer descriptor as a tlv vector More...
class  ns3::DcdChannelEncodings
 This class implements the DCD channel encodings as described by "IEEE Standard for Local and metropolitan area networks Part 16: Air Interface for Fixed Broadband Wireless Access Systems" 11.4.1 DCD channel encodings, page 659. More...
class  ns3::DlFramePrefixIe
 This class implements the DL Frame Prefix IE as described by IEEE-802.16 standard. More...
class  ns3::DsaAck
 This class implements the DSA-ACK message described by "IEEE Standard for Local and metropolitan area networks Part 16: Air Interface for Fixed Broadband Wireless Access Systems" DSA-ACK message, page 64. More...
class  ns3::DsaReq
 This class implements the DSA-REQ message described by "IEEE Standard for Local and metropolitan area networks Part 16: Air Interface for Fixed Broadband Wireless Access Systems" DSA-REQ message, page 62. More...
class  ns3::DsaRsp
 This class implements the DSA-RSP message described by "IEEE Standard for Local and metropolitan area networks Part 16: Air Interface for Fixed Broadband Wireless Access Systems" DSA-RSP message, page 63. More...
class  ns3::FragmentationSubheader
 This class implements the fragmentation sub-header as described by IEEE Standard for Local and metropolitan area networks Part 16: Air Interface for Fixed Broadband Wireless Access Systems Fragmentation subheader, page 39. More...
class  ns3::GenericMacHeader
 This class implements the Generic mac Header as described by IEEE Standard for Local and metropolitan area networks Part 16: Air Interface for Fixed Broadband Wireless Access Systems Generic MAC header, page 36. More...
class  ns3::GrantManagementSubheader
 This class implements the grant management sub-header as described by IEEE Standard for Local and metropolitan area networks Part 16: Air Interface for Fixed Broadband Wireless Access Systems Grant Management subheader, page 40. More...
class  ns3::IpcsClassifier
 IPCS classifier. More...
class  ns3::IpcsClassifierRecord
 IpcsClassifierRecord class. More...
class  ns3::Ipv4AddressTlvValue
 Ipv4AddressTlvValue class. More...
class  ns3::MacHeaderType
 This class Represents the HT (Header Type) field of generic MAC and bandwidth request headers. More...
class  ns3::ManagementMessageType
 Mac Management messages Section MAC Management messages page 42, Table 14 page 43. More...
class  ns3::PortRangeTlvValue
 PortRangeTlvValue class. More...
class  ns3::ProtocolTlvValue
 ProtocolTlvValue class. More...
class  ns3::RngReq
 This class implements the ranging request message described by "IEEE Standard for Local and metropolitan area networks Part 16: Air Interface for Fixed Broadband Wireless Access Systems". More...
class  ns3::RngRsp
 This class implements the ranging response message described by "IEEE Standard for Local and metropolitan area networks Part 16: Air Interface for Fixed Broadband Wireless Access Systems" Ranging response (RNG-RSP) message, page 50. More...
class  ns3::SendParams
 The SendParams class defines the parameters with which Send() function of a particular PHY is called. More...
class  ns3::ServiceFlow
 This class implements service flows as described by the IEEE-802.16 standard. More...
class  ns3::ServiceFlowManager
 The same service flow manager class serves both for BS and SS though some functions are exclusive to only one of them. More...
class  ns3::ServiceFlowRecord
 this class implements a structure to manage some parameters and statistics related to a service flow More...
class  ns3::SfVectorTlvValue
 SfVectorTlvValue class. More...
class  ns3::SimpleOfdmSendParam
 SimpleOfdmSendParam class. More...
class  ns3::SimpleOfdmWimaxChannel
 SimpleOfdmWimaxChannel class. More...
class  ns3::SimpleOfdmWimaxPhy
 SimpleOfdmWimaxPhy class. More...
class  ns3::SNRToBlockErrorRateManager
 This class handles the SNR to BlcER traces. More...
class  ns3::SNRToBlockErrorRateRecord
 This class represents a record (handled by SnrToBlockErrorRate manager) that keeps a mapping between an SNR value and its corresponding (1) Bit Error Rate, (2) Block Error Rate, (3) Standard deviation, (4 and 5) confidence interval. More...
class  ns3::SSLinkManager
 this class implements the link manager of subscriber station net device. More...
class  ns3::SSManager
 this class manages a list of SSrecords More...
class  ns3::SSRecord
 This class is used by the base station to store some information related to subscriber station in the cell. More...
class  ns3::SSScheduler
class  ns3::SsServiceFlowManager
 SsServiceFlowManager class. More...
class  ns3::SubscriberStationNetDevice
 SubscriberStationNetDevice subclass of WimaxNetDevice. More...
class  ns3::Tlv
 This class implements the Type-Len-Value structure channel encodings as described by "IEEE Standard for Local and metropolitan area networks Part 16: Air Interface for Fixed Broadband Wireless Access Systems". More...
class  ns3::TlvValue
 The value field of a tlv can take different values (uint8_t, uint16, vector, ...). More...
class  ns3::TosTlvValue
 TosTlvValue class. More...
class  ns3::U16TlvValue
 U16TlvValue class. More...
class  ns3::U32TlvValue
 U32TlvValue class. More...
class  ns3::U8TlvValue
 U8TlvValue class. More...
class  ns3::UcdChannelEncodings
 This class implements the UCD channel encodings as described by "IEEE Standard for Local and metropolitan area networks Part 16: Air Interface for Fixed Broadband Wireless Access Systems" 11.3.1 UCD channel encodings, page 651. More...
class  ns3::UlJob
 this class implements a structure to compute the priority of service flows More...
class  ns3::UplinkScheduler
 Virtual class for uplink scheduler. More...
class  ns3::UplinkSchedulerMBQoS
 This class implements a Migration-based Quality of Service uplink scheduler(MBQoS). More...
class  ns3::UplinkSchedulerRtps
 This class implements a simple uplink scheduler for rtPS flows. More...
class  ns3::UplinkSchedulerSimple
 Uplink Scheduler - simplified. More...
class  ns3::VectorTlvValue
 this class is used to implement a vector of values in one tlv value field More...
class  ns3::WimaxChannel
 The channel object to attach Wimax NetDevices. More...
class  ns3::WimaxConnection
 Class to represent WiMAX connections. More...
class  ns3::WimaxMacQueue
 Class implementing the device packet queue. More...
class  ns3::WimaxMacToMacHeader
 this class implements the mac to mac header needed to dump a wimax pcap file The header format was reverse-engineered by looking at existing live pcap traces which could be opened with wireshark i.e., we have no idea where this is coming from. More...
class  ns3::WimaxNetDevice
 Hold together all WiMAX-related objects in a NetDevice. More...
class  ns3::WimaxPhy
 WiMAX PHY entity. More...

Detailed Description

This section documents the API of the ns-3 wimax module.

For a generic functional description, please refer to the ns-3 manual.