A Discrete-Event Network Simulator
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Congestion Control Algorithms.
+ Collaboration diagram for Congestion Control Algorithms.:


class  ns3::TcpBbr
 BBR congestion control algorithm. More...
class  ns3::TcpBic
 BIC congestion control algorithm. More...
class  ns3::TcpCongestionOps
 Congestion control abstract class. More...
class  ns3::TcpHighSpeed
 An implementation of TCP HighSpeed. More...
class  ns3::TcpHtcp
 An implementation of the H-TCP variant of TCP. More...
class  ns3::TcpHybla
 Implementation of the TCP Hybla algorithm. More...
class  ns3::TcpIllinois
 An implementation of TCP Illinois algorithm. More...
class  ns3::TcpLedbat
 An implementation of LEDBAT. More...
class  ns3::TcpLinuxReno
 Reno congestion control algorithm. More...
class  ns3::TcpLp
 TCP-LP (Low Priority) congestion control algorithm. More...
class  ns3::TcpScalable
 An implementation of TCP Scalable. More...
class  ns3::TcpVegas
 An implementation of TCP Vegas. More...
class  ns3::TcpVeno
 An implementation of TCP Veno. More...
class  ns3::TcpWestwoodPlus
 An implementation of TCP Westwood+. More...
class  ns3::TcpYeah
 An implementation of TCP YeAH. More...

Detailed Description

The various congestion control algorithms, also known as "TCP flavors".